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All Content by Bouncyball

  1. Calculation

    Yes, you are right .
  2. Drop rate

  3. 2nd week and cliques already?

    I wouldn't bother trying to fit in with them. Be nice and make small talk occasionally. You dont have to be best friends with them, but You never know if you will need them to take notes if you miss class something. My class is the same exact way, it...
  4. Class of 2013 stand up:-)

    Yep, I graduate in may 2013 and am counting the weeks!!!
  5. Embarrassing? (Ladies opinion)

    Keep plenty of pads/tampons in your clinical bag at all times. My period likes to randomly start a week early, or come back for a few days after my period ends. I got caught off guard once, and it will never happen again.
  6. anyone know how to work out this equation

    I was really confused by these problems until I found a D over H formula. Here it is Ord dose (mcg per min) X pt wt in kg X 60 min --------------------------------------------- Amount of mcg per one ml If you stick to this you will b...
  7. How Much Free Time Do You Have?

    I spend 34 hours a week between lecture, clinicals, and driving time. At home I spend about 6-8 combined hours working on prep sheets for my 2 clinical days. On non clinical days I spend 2-3 hours a day studying, and maybe another 6 hours a week doi...
  8. HELP advancing to LPN & RN!

    I am terrible at math!!! I had a counselor tell me that I was at a middle school level of math. The only thing you need to do for nursing is add, subtract, multiply, and divide. I'm doing ok, and that's the highest form of math I know. You will learn...
  9. My school doesn't certify private loans (??)

    I think the op said the school will only certify federal loans. Isn't that the same thing as government loans?
  10. My school doesn't certify private loans (??)

    If your school will not certify the loan, then you will not get the money. You should talk to the financial aid office to find out if you have other options. It's expensive, but you can apply for a personal loan as a last resort. The school has nothi...
  11. We had a pregnant classmate last semester. The classmate kept on telling the instructor that she could not take isolation rooms and the instructor told her she could and will. It is not contraindicated with pregnancy. The instructor said the same thi...
  12. Hmm, The good instructors: they do more than just read off the power points. They are good at explaining things in a different way if you don't understand something the first way they explained it. They actually enjoy teaching and want you to succeed...
  13. Sleep Mask

    My boyfriends snoring has been keeping me awake lately, so I have been experimenting with earplugs. The foam ones really hurt my ears and seem to fall out after a couple of hours. I tried Mack's silicone earplugs and they work so good for me. I can't...
  14. Who were you in high school

    I was the stoner weirdo who always skipped class. I was always doing crazy things but was lucky enough to have never been caught. So glad I got that out of my system while I was a minor. Now I am the opposite.
  15. What was the hardest course youve taken?

    I'm in my last semester of nursing school, but by far the hardest class I have ever taken was chemistry. I honestly have no idea how I passed that class. By my calculations, I should have failed with a D. The teacher let me pass by giving me a C. On...
  16. Waiting for final grades to post

    I finally got my grade and am so happy to say I passed everything!!! Did anyone else get any news yet?
  17. How to prepare for nursing school??!

    You can start reading about physical assessment and start practicing. And maybe make flash cards for some basic labs like WBC, rbc, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, bun, creatinine, ast, alt. I wouldn't go much further than that. But physical asse...
  18. Waiting for final grades to post

    Yes, I am waiting and the suspense is killing me!!!! I took my finals on Thursday and won't get the results until Monday. I can get a 60% on the final and still pass the class, but that final was brutal! I think I passed, but always question myself u...
  19. I may be wrong on this, but I thought in California that you were unable to take loans out that we're above the cost of school if you were going to a community college. I am pretty sure I have read threads where people attending CC's were not able to...
  20. How many people in your class?

    This 3rd semester nursing class started with about 60 people and so far we are down to 30 ish. We will get our final grades on Monday and see how many more failed out.
  21. Final exam on thursday!

    I don't have any advice, but wanted to say good luck! I'm taking my final this morning too.
  22. Patient Picking At Clothing/Bed Linens

    I'm still a nursing student, but just had my death and dying and hospice lecture. Our instructor said that she frequently sees patients near death start picking at the sheets, clothes, or themselves. She said once pts start seeing dead relatives it i...
  23. What makes you want to vomit?

    Vomit and dentures. I'm good with everything else.
  24. Have dress codes changed for clinical prep?

    Our dress code for getting pt info for clinicals is no open toe shoes, no jeans, and we have to wear a lab coat over our outfit.
  25. A clean room. A clean home. A clean person.

    Buggie, cart, I can't figure out what you are talking about. I assume its something on wheels that the nurse pushes around? I have never seen anything that is push able. All of the supply and medication cabinets are not mobile. Anyways, I am like th...