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About Kelly2008

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  1. Trinitas ER Residency program

    Hey guys I wanted to give you all a quick update. Yes I did apply for the residency program and I got into the program. The main reason I wanted to be in the program was because of the experienced that it provided because I already had most of the ce...
  2. Trinitas ER Residency program

    They charge us, that how bad things are getting he in New Jersey....and thanks
  3. Trinitas ER Residency program

    Yes, it is with a hospital and no we will not get paid.
  4. Trinitas ER Residency program

    Has anyone applied to the Trinitas ER residency program starting next year? -12 weeks clinical and classroom time -will be certified in glucometer, phlebotomy, ACLS, PALS -cost $3200 for Trinitas graduates and $3700 for other graduates.