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All Content by tinababy

  1. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    I know sometimes the changes in editions for textbooks are so minor that it doesn't really make a difference but I'm not sure how the professors are about that. I haven't heard anything about them providing the books in class for physiology, I've alw...
  2. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    Is there anyone who is getting the student health insurance with nova? If so, have you already completed all of your immunizations or is it best to do it at nova's clinic once the insurance is issued?
  3. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    Hello everyone :) It's been a little while since I posted on here, how is everyone doing with their application process? The only thing I have left to do is finish my immunizations can't believe we're so close to starting! August will be here before...
  4. Nova Southeastern Winter 2013 Entry Level BSN

    I sent in 2 but it's not required anymore. When I applied it was.
  5. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    My VIP page had changed the next morning.
  6. Nova Southeastern Winter 2013 Entry Level BSN

    Those of you that started in january how is it going so far? I just got accepted for fall and would love any advice! :)
  7. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    No I didn't, but they posted my background check pin and there's a check that says my deposit was paid.
  8. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    No I didn't, but they posted my background check pin today and it says that my deposit was paid.
  9. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

  10. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    I was debating whether to apply or not also.. It seems bad not to at least try and get it though :/
  11. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    Oh yea maybe. Did you send your form in the mail?
  12. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    No not yet, it still just has the little star next to the pin. You?
  13. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    Yea it's weird. I received my package on Saturday.. And I have the receipt and everything for my deposit, hopefully it's just a mess up or something.
  14. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    Yea I did both. I sent the intent to enroll form in the mail and paid the deposit online.
  15. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    My page is different today, it doesn't have the pay deposit line anymore it just goes up to my transcripts and my admit date used to say 3/13/2013 and now it says 3/19/2013. :***:
  16. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    Yea me neither :/
  17. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    Those of you who paid the $200 deposit, have they sent you the pin for the background check yet?
  18. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    1. I had originally applied for winter 2013 but deferred my app to fall because Miami dade lost my transcript order (?) 2. My interview was feb 26 3. My overall is 3.4 and I'm not sure of my science, no C's or W's though. 4. I sent in 2 letters of r...
  19. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    I've been like banned from private messages lol, it won't let me send anymore! Any way here's my facebook link http://www.facebook.com/christina.holt.102 Let me know yours as well @chuli and @laura! :)
  20. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    I got in as well!!!!! So exciting! Congrats to everyone :)
  21. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    oh no! making us wait til june is just torture
  22. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

  23. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    I wouldn't be so sure.. a call can just as well mean that I didn't get in now I'm checking my VIP page like every 5 minutes.
  24. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    @laura it won't let me send you messages anymore :/ When he called he just asked if I had heard anything from the admissions office since the interview and I told him no I hadn't other than the email thanking me for attending the interview, and he sa...
  25. Nova Southeastern University Entry Level BSN?

    It was a 954 number.