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About boydgrl

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  1. Lamar State College LVN to RN

    Katana- what is to be expected in the last two classes???
  2. Lamar State College LVN to RN

    108 hours for each clinical set.
  3. Lamar State College LVN to RN

    Katana600, I am about to go into second set of clinicals. I have heard that the next two classes are killer!!! That the coursework is a lot? You should be finished now. Any insight? Whats been going on with you????
  4. I am in the fourth week of the first set of clinicals. We have to complete 108 clinical hours and 8 hours of community service.
  5. Lamar State College LVN to RN

    What class are you in now? I am also in the program. I have to repeat 2535. How bout you? I sent you a friend request too, btw. :)
  6. Lamar State College LVN to RN

    I just finished that class, in which I do have to repeat...I am having a hard time with grasping how to study in that 2535 class. Any tips? what did you concentrate on? I also sent you a friend request :)