ComeTogether LPN

Transitional Nursing


All Content by ComeTogether

  1. ComeTogether

    Computer Systems

    Curious what everyone else uses to give meds and document. We use MatrixCare at my facility. What systems do you use and what do you think of it?
  2. ComeTogether

    Resources for patients

    I work day shift in a SNF with about 75% of my patients being short term. I've come across many situations where the patients know next to nothing about their already diagnosed medical conditions. Is there a database or something of that nature I ...
  3. ComeTogether

    Why do RN's avoid LTC positions?

    Feel the need to put in my two pennies. Facilities are losing money hand over fist on their medicaid patients, so they truly can't afford to staff better. They USED to make a lot, but things have changed significantly. People think you h...
  4. ComeTogether

    LTC Charting: A Beginner's Guide

    I came to find this post because it helped me big time when I was a new grad. I'm curious if anyone knows how much of this has changed with PDPM. I'm precepting a new nurse and I'm looking for easier ways to explain skilled charting.
  5. ComeTogether

    PLEASE! Save my life! (PCC Experts PLEASE)

    Utilize the reports section. There are also online communities if you click on "help" which is located under your username. In addition, there are tutorials My facility switched to PCC a few months ago and I've figured out a lot of thing...
  6. ComeTogether

    Contested a Doctor's Order Psych ?

    An intervention was required here, whatever it may have been. If the psych. MD proposed to do nothing at all I'd have gone to another doc. given whatever was ordered and be done with it. I also wouldn't go out of my way to inform the psych. MD unle...
  7. ComeTogether

    LPNs are still good nurses

    I'm getting really irritated with all the "when are you getting your RN" questions I get. Or, when someone at work hears me say in an LPN (when I'm signing for something usually) and they say "Oh, I thought you were an RN". What's that supposed to me...
  8. its the nursing station. For all those involved in nursing. I like my CNAs at the desk with me because then I know where they are and I can delegate when they're not busy.
  9. ComeTogether


    OK you guys. I work in a SNF with SO MANY psych patients. The dementia unit is more psych than dementia. I'm talking incessant screaming damn near my entire shift with little to no relief from the go to PRN trazodone. Facility reluctant to medica...
  10. ComeTogether

    Laws pertaining to LTC, etc.

    So I've been a nurse for 4 years in two different states. There are random things that I want to investigate or research, mostly related to policy/procedure. Not that which pertain to my facility, but in general. Anyone know a good resou...
  11. ComeTogether


    I just can't look away. I want to help, I want to make it better. I can elevate someones legs when their feet are swollen, I can ask for pain meds when their in pain but this issue I can't fix because I don't' know whats causing it. I don't f...
  12. ComeTogether


    Just nursing school. Its not a psych facility. I have a lot of dementia training but this is nothing like it. Just happen to have patients with a lot of psych issues.
  13. ComeTogether

    Holding HS Meds

    Seroquel isn't a med that should be held because its an antipsychotic and doing so can cause recurrence of symptoms. You would have needed to contact the MD to hold it for sedation. Trazodone I one I feel comfortable holding per nursing judgem...
  14. ComeTogether

    Memory care-Can you pass meds in the dining room?

    Its a dignity issue and generally against policy most places. The exception is if the meds are to be taken with a meal. In reality, we do it but not when state is in the building and not if anyone asks.
  15. ComeTogether

    Why do RN's avoid LTC positions?

    Its really, really hard work and RNs have a much better selection of which to choose from.
  16. You'll be OK. Don't be afraid to ask for more orientation if you need it. Don't worry about late meds, you can explain being late - you can't explain giving the wrong med/dose. Don't pick up bad habits and use your judgement. Most ...
  17. ComeTogether

    LTC Residents and Workers Face Tragedy

    My coworkers and I have worked harder and under more stress than every before keeping this *** away from our little old people. Between them not being allowed to see their families and now not even leaving their rooms, the issues we are facing are c...
  18. ComeTogether

    New Nurse Struggling and Stressed

    You can explain a late administration, you can't explain a med error. The nurses who have it down have been doing it day after day - you will get there. Go slow, take your time. Don't allow interruptions during your med pass. Prioritize your patien...
  19. ComeTogether

    Trouble with Dorsogluteal injections!!

    I believe that site is no longer to be used because of the risk of nerve damage.
  20. ComeTogether

    Refusing Care of a COVID-19 Patient Due to Inappropriate PPE

    I was surprised to see that folks were looking to use the N95 masks, to be honest. This isn't an airborne virus, so unless you're working in an area which has equipment, etc. that could cause it to become airborne I don't see the issue, but it seems...
  21. ComeTogether

    Why hasn’t pay increased? Hazard pay, etc.?

    I've never expected it. I knew what I was getting into when I chose to become a Nurse. I do think folks who are in support services like grocery stores, etc. should receive hazard pay, though.
  22. ComeTogether

    Gloves at all times?

    Um, no. Not to mention you can't wear them in the halls. Why would you need to wear gloves when you aren't touching the meds? Shes probably a housekeeper. Not to knock housekeepers, because they are the beez knees, but thats my theory.
  23. ComeTogether

    Nurse asks, 'Did you know I was there?' in touching viral post

    I feel like this could have been written by a CNA just as easily as a Nurse. They often don't get the credit they deserve and this is a huge part of their job as well.
  24. ComeTogether

    Nurse asks, 'Did you know I was there?' in touching viral post

    nothing more humbling or rewarding than caring for someone at the end of their life.
  25. ComeTogether

    It's That Time of Year Again: Preparing for Influenza Season

    Surely as nurses most of us understand that vaccinations come with a normal immune response and that flu shots don't give us the flu, but that response. Even IF they aren't totally effective, I'd still rather take my chances of protecting folks and ...