ComeTogether LPN

Transitional Nursing


All Content by ComeTogether

  1. ComeTogether

    Termination From Employer For Refusing EUV

    Its not possible for the MRNA vaccines to cause long term effects, as the only thing in them is MRNA and organic ingredients. Our bodies destroy the MRNA shortly after it speaks to our DNA, leaving nothing behind. Any side effects are immune respons...
  2. ComeTogether

    Do you think you are a "hero"?

    Absolutely not.
  3. What an ignorant statement/question. How do you not know the answer to this, or at least where to get it - if you have a masters in nursing?
  5. ComeTogether

    Bad Nurse Judgement

    You mentioned it to the provider who told you to get an EKG. Breathe.
  6. ComeTogether

    Termination From Employer For Refusing EUV

    You absolutely have the right to choose against being vaccinated, you just don't have the right to do so while working for your current employer.
  7. ComeTogether

    New Unit Manager - short term

    I've recently accepted a position as Unit Manager for a 38 bed sub-acute unit. I don't have management experience in nursing, and honestly - I have no idea what I'm doing, but they know that. Looking for advice in how to transition from my c...
  8. ComeTogether

    New DON

    The problem is the CNA to patient ratio. If they have a lot of total care patients they aren't going to do oral care on everyone. They'll probably only do it on those who request it - its awful. I try to explain why its so important so they a...
  9. ComeTogether

    Massachusetts salary ADON

    I'm 99% sure ADONs have to be RNs. Its in the ballpark of 80-90k/year up to 120k depending on area and experience from what I've researched.
  10. ComeTogether


    I looked it up but I'm still confused as to what it means. From what I can gather I can still sit for the NCLEX in MA, which is all I really care about. I just don't want to pay the tuition and end up not being able to finally get my RN.
  11. ComeTogether

    I'm gonna puke

    Thank you. The two before me both were offered more money to stay with their current employer, they didn't actually start - so hopefully I'm not missing anything. The reason I applied and accepted is because my buildings administration is amaz...
  12. ComeTogether

    I'm gonna puke

    Well, after two different people (with experience) didn’t work out - I’ve now been offered the job. I need guidance from those who have done this. One of my barriers is that I am going from coworker to manager - not sure how that...
  13. ComeTogether

    Critical Thinking - Need Help!

    True, but I know in my line of work, notifying the MD multiple times in a night would cause me to be late with my other patients in addition to pissing the MD off - which for me is reason to try to wait until I have more information if appropriate an...
  14. ComeTogether

    Critical Thinking - Need Help!

    For me, I think about what the doctor might do If I called immediately versus if I try xyz intervention and then call with all of the info. Sure, I can call with a high BP but what Is the MD going to say if I've also just given a BP med besides...
  15. ComeTogether

    What Color Scrubs Are Appropriate?

    They're probably talking about the super tight scrubs with the low-cut v-neck type. I would think any scrubs that fit well and allow you to move freely would be fine. I personally have a thing about patterns and I rarely wear them, except...
  16. ComeTogether

    Assisting with infant circumcision

    I guess I could answer your question this time. I was present for 3 different circ's, as I said. Two were with the gomco and one was with the Mogen. The babies were strapped down and comfortable until the procedure started. All three scr...
  17. ComeTogether

    I'm gonna puke

    Thanks for the good wishes. I've been with my DNS for 3 years and I have complete faith in her & trust her judgment. She chose to go with someone from outside the company who has experience. I think it's probably a good thing. It was so...
  18. ComeTogether

    I'm gonna puke

    Thank you! They opted to go with someone with experience, and I can't say I'm totally upset. I really wanted the learning opportunity, but I think it would have been biting off more than I could chew.
  19. ComeTogether

    Suspicion About Med Error

    In my experience, when this happens-often times the nurses who work opposite days from her are giving PRN’s or even “nursing doses” which new nurses (and nurses who are ethical and have a brain) don’t do The biggest problem I have on something like...
  20. ComeTogether

    Assisting with infant circumcision

    Saw 3 in school. Nope, nope, nope. that skin is full of nerve endings. It’s there for a reason, I’m completely against them. I also don’t believe they don’t feel it, I saw their little faces and they were pitiful. One d...
  21. ComeTogether

    New LVN grad, any advise?

    You want to take the SNF job to build your skills just remember that you “don’t know” what you don’t know, and LTC nursing is NOTHING like school prepares you for. it’s overwhelming at first but give it several weeks before you decide...
  22. ComeTogether

    Felony DUI and Lvn license

    I know someone who had a DUI and had it expunged and eventually was allowed to sit for NCLEX, but she had to plead her case and the outcome is different for everyone.
  23. ComeTogether

    Tips from experience LTC nurses

    At least you have clear sinuses now ?
  24. ComeTogether

    Job Offer - Need Advice

    They probably just need you "on paper" for your license. As long as you aren't the only nurse, you'll be fine. For example, My state has a regulation that we have to have 8 hours per day with an RN in-house. The DON meets this requirement dur...
  25. ComeTogether

    Tips from experience LTC nurses

    Just know that much of what they ask you to do is for payment purposes and not for the wellbeing of the patient. Sometimes you have to prioritize and the patients you are asked to assess and document on aren't the ones who need your attention. I've...