ComeTogether LPN

Transitional Nursing


All Content by ComeTogether

  1. ComeTogether

    Abuse Accusations

    Oh boy. Next time document something like "attempts at redirection unsuccessful". You never want to "do nothing". even if you are only reporting it to the oncoming shift to monitor, its something.
  2. ComeTogether

    Nurses Deleting Orders to Reduce Charting

    I'd be writing someone up for that. Those orders are obviously there for a reason, no excuse.
  3. ComeTogether

    Nurses Deleting Orders to Reduce Charting

    Actually, its done because (usually) there is a history of non compliance and management needs to hold someone accountable. If its checked off as done, and isn't done the nurse cant say she didn't know, etc. Its also done to trigger staff to p...
  4. ComeTogether

    Online/Hybrid options

    I used to be pretty up to speed on this prospect, and for my state (MA) my options were Excelsior or nothing. Does anyone have any idea if new options are being created with the shortage? I want my RN desperately but I really want the opt...
  5. ComeTogether

    Resources?  Tips?  

    I'm a new manager on a short term/long term floor. I am having trouble staying organized and developing a system for things like tracking labs ordered q6m. I have some strengths that make me great at this job and I have some pretty significa...
  6. ComeTogether

    RN Jobs That Do Not Require Covid Vaccine

    hopefully you find something that lets you work from home with zero exposure to patients.
  7. ComeTogether

    Excelsior RN- testing out/CLEP for gen eds

    Both of my Dads Hospice Nurses obtained their RN this way. I'm currently looking into it.
  8. When you miss more than one clinical day, regardless of the reason - they usually fail you or drop you. At least thats how it worked when I went to school. We could take one class over again, but they didn't come around again for a year.
  9. ComeTogether

    Religious Exemptions

    I'm absolutely against them in healthcare. We have a duty to protect our patients, if your religion keeps you from this vaccine, it keeps you from ALL vaccines and that's just not going to work. People are using it as an excuse, and In MA...
  10. Such an important topic. My Husband lost his dad to suicide in the 80s because he wasn't helped after Vietnam. So sad.
  11. ComeTogether


    I was sincerely considering utilizing the LPN to RN bridge through Excelsior however I believe I heard that they lost or will be losing an accreditation of some kind?? does anyone have any insight on this? I’m in Massachusetts and ju...
  12. ComeTogether

    Pt choking and DNR....

    is that what we call it now?
  13. ComeTogether

    Advise needed from UM or DON/DNS

    I AM this kind of lucky, which is why I really want to say something. In hindsight, I probably should have gone in that day - but, like my DNS says "You need a day off" I just don't want patient care to suffer when simply admitting the ...
  14. ComeTogether

    Advise needed from UM or DON/DNS

    Im looking for feedback from Unit Managers or DONs. I work in a skilled facility on the rehab unit, just got promoted to unit manger but am very green and I don't know what I don't know. I've been a floor nurse/bedside nurse for 3 years with t...
  15. ComeTogether

    Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    You couldn't care less. If you could care less, you do care some. Anyways, I digress. If you work in a barber shop, I can see not really caring who is vaccinated or not, but we work in healthcare. With vulnerable patients. Hence the ...
  16. ComeTogether

    Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    This. This right here.
  17. ComeTogether

    Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    There is no gray area. Every single statement you made can be researched and the answers found. The vaccine was NOT RUSHED. IT went through 3 phases, as they all do. It was a double-blind, placebo controlled trial. They have been researching...
  18. Because we don't have enough going on with lay people or ancillary staff who need to get vaccinated or else. We really need someone to waste our time with this bologna. (insert sarcasm) I should have clicked on their profile.
  19. ComeTogether


    No, I have my Associate in Science as well as a Diploma of Practical Nursing. I had to move back to my home state to care for my Dad so I never bridged as I had intended. Difficult to do so now because I'm not affiliated with any schools around her...
  20. ComeTogether

    Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    You have the right to refuse. Thats a right. You don't have the right to work wherever you like without rules. Thats not a right.
  21. ComeTogether

    Unfair Grading

    You have to get out of this mindset. It's not about what other people did or didn't do, or what they do or don't get. Its about you and what need to do. Now, while you're in school and later when you are a nurse, you will see this from...
  22. ComeTogether

    Was I in the Right Here?

    Mr. So and So, It seems your pain is not able to be controlled. I'm going to phone the MD and get you sent to the ER to be evaluated just to be sure nothing more serious is happening
  23. ComeTogether

    Using Your Nursing Credentials to Validate Anti-Vaxxer Theories

    I wish they would. I'm embarrassed on a daily basis by "nurses" who are spouting misinformation and making this political. We have a duty to know better.
  24. ComeTogether

    Termination From Employer For Refusing EUV

    Its not possible for the MRNA vaccines to cause long term effects, as the only thing in them is MRNA and organic ingredients. Our bodies destroy the MRNA shortly after it speaks to our DNA, leaving nothing behind. Any side effects are immune respons...
  25. ComeTogether

    Do you think you are a "hero"?

    Absolutely not.