ComeTogether LPN

Transitional Nursing


All Content by ComeTogether

  1. ComeTogether

    Need guidance from seasoned leaders

    She actually WAS fired about a year ago, then got a lawyer - corporate made us take her back because our attny said she'd win if she sued. Not enough of a paper trail (most of it happened prior to my role change) About a week after I wrote thi...
  2. ComeTogether

    Need guidance from seasoned leaders

    Last time I checked patient care was in the job description of a nurse. I'd never expect my nurses to forgo their primary responsibilities but I absolutely expect them to help when they have time, especially when it directly affects the outcome...
  3. ComeTogether

    Anyone encountered this before?

    Right, but clarification order notes are cut and dry. Order clarification: melatonin 3mg P.O. at HS PRN etc. No need to elaborate or use the word error or anything else. Sure; you can - but in my experience it’s a bad idea.
  4. ComeTogether

    Anyone encountered this before?

    I think that you may be over documenting. You have to be really careful what you’re saying in a note - often times you don’t really need to say anything, or you just need to keep it very, very simple.
  5. ComeTogether

    The Staff RN’s Role in Nursing Homes

    The gods honest truth is absolutely nothing different is expected; all staff nurses at my workplace have the same job description as do the charge nurses. It isn’t until you get to the level of ADON/DON that there’s a difference in scope.
  6. ComeTogether

    Floor Staff Pre Pulling Medications

    Cold day in hell before I administer anything I didn’t prepare or see prepared.
  7. ComeTogether

    Nurses notes on lab results ?

    Less is more, for sure. The exception would be grossly abnormal results or other reasosn which are obvious to the reader “Critical hemoglobin of 5.3; NP notified - NNO” essentially means “when this patient goes out later via 911 you can’t...
  8. ComeTogether

    Arranging med cart chronologically?

    I think a facility I did clinical at used this method. IDK; I guess it depends on how many meds they have all together. If it’s 30+ then, yeah - but I can see this being problematic ish.
  9. ComeTogether

    Chart Following and legal limitations

    If the answer to this is no we’re in serious trouble.
  10. ComeTogether

    New Grad RN Can’t Find Job

    Why not work at a snf? You could find a decent one and work rehab. Now a days it’s a mini med-surg.
  11. ComeTogether

    Taking a Long Leave of Absence from Work

    I’ve read several of your posts and you remind me of me, only more anxious (which is hard to believe) I am borderline not meant for this role (nursing management) because of how much I let things bother me and how helpful I am by nature. It lea...
  12. ComeTogether

    Organization Tips

    I’ve been in the position for a year and I’d love to know as well. 😂
  13. ComeTogether

    Telling People Your Nurse Title, RN or LVN

    I say nurse. Most people don’t know what LPN stands for which leads to the inevitable “so you’re not a nurse?” Which leads to me explaining and then I find myself justifying my title and convincing them that I’m competent and proficient. If they cal...
  14. ComeTogether

    Offensive Badge

    Totally inappropriate to bring politics to work. Also inappropriate to share your views with you patients, which is what you did.
  15. ComeTogether


    I figured I'd start a new thread incase others have this question also. With the implementation of PDPM we've gone from medicare notes once per day, alternating between shifts to notes q shift. I'm really running out of things to say abou...
  16. ComeTogether


    Is excelsior going to local (in person) clinicals instead of CPNE? I cant' seem to find much info about this online.
  17. ComeTogether


    I was told I'd have to travel to NY twice for the clinical component, so I'm not sure yet if that's going to be possible, but am thinking about it. (still)
  18. ComeTogether

    I'm gonna puke

    Good grief that year went by fast
  19. ComeTogether

    Taking ADHD meds

    Its not my employer's business what meds I take. I don't take meds in front of people but if I did, I wouldn't ever expect someone to suspect me of diverting. You're way overthinking it. Even if you had to be drug tested for some reas...
  20. ComeTogether


    So you had your RN and potential employers wanted to know where you went to school? Excelsior was a deal breaker? I have to say, I've not heard of this being an issue once licenced before now.
  21. ComeTogether

    When You Realize You Are Replaceable

    Studies are pretty clear that you are at increased risk of spreading it, because you're at increased risk of getting it. We know that people still test + after vaccination because we're testing them, no vaccine will ever prevent minor i...
  22. ComeTogether

    When You Realize You Are Replaceable

    Yeah, I've lost all patience. Probably from all the patients I've lost. (punny, I know)
  23. ComeTogether

    When You Realize You Are Replaceable

    Get vaccinated or get out. Sorry, not sorry.
  24. This has always irked me, too. While I understand in some settings this may be the case, it seems the settings we typically work in are for the most part autonomous positions. The scope varies by state, but not only do I do all of the above - I also...
  25. ComeTogether

    Nursing Home NA nightmare

    Was she supposed to leave the person she was with? When I did 11-7 I tried to stagger my med p***. Yes, its better to be not interupted, but you can p*** one patients meds and then go help answer lights before moving on to the next if yo...