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All Content by traumanurse2b?

  1. 2013 UF Accelerated BSN Applicants!

    I just wanted to tell you good luck! I'm from Newberry, but moved out of state because my husband is in the military. UF is such a great school, I hope you get accepted!
  2. First day of Nursing School..

    Yay for a wonderful first day!! I hope tomorrow goes just as well! I have an Asus tablet that has a docking keyboard, so it looks and sits like a laptop. I'm considering bringing that with me. I will look into the app you suggested, but my tablet com...
  3. How long is your commute to nursing school?

    School is less than 10 minutes away. My clinical sites are anywhere from 20 minutes to about 2 hours away.
  4. Smoking and the Nursing Student

    My husband quit last year using chantix. It did make him a little moody but he was able to quit after trying to quit on his own several times. Unfortunately he has picked up the habit again while he's been deployed but I blame his friends influencing...
  5. Are these sneakers acceptable for nursing school?

    My program allows clog style shoes like dansko and crocs. But the crocs have go be the ones without holes and have to have a heel strap. I got a pair of dansko's myself! :)
  6. Public Speaking

    My public speaking professor wanted us to practice our speeches at least 20 times. I always got super nervous but because I basically memorized all of my speeches 100% it was definitely easier. We could always tell who had practiced and who didn't. Y...
  7. Failed nursing school but didn't give up!

    I think it is really amazing that you stuck it out. Over the past 5 years I have hears from so many people about how I wouldn't get into school for this or that. You proved that if you are dedicated, you can do it. I've Bern accepted into a BSN progr...
  8. Number of clinical hours

    This is more of a question for my own curiosity.... How many clinical hours does your program offer? What kind of program are you in and how long is it? I don't know what an average number would be and it has made me curious. My BSN program is 2.5 ye...
  9. Any other MilSpouses with concerns?

    I started pre-reqs in Florida (our home state) and then we moved to Virginia. I've been able to complete (graduating in December) my Associates degree here going part time for 3 years while surviving 1 Navy deployment. Now DH is deployed again and he...
  10. Number of clinical hours

    Wow, everyone on here has about the same number of hours as my program. Many people in my area made it seem like we were the odd ones out with the amount of hours we have. I think its great though!
  11. USF, UCF or UF? In a pickle!

    I would apply to all three honestly. It never hurts to have options. Also have you considered applying to Santa Fe in Gainesville? Its a 4 year college now, offering a BSN program also. I have several friends that have graduated from there and loved ...
  12. GPA just not good enough

    I agree with Dark star. Your GPA is definitely competitive in my opinion. I got into my BSN program with a 3.4 and scoring "Advanced" on the TEAS V. I think it really depends on the area you are in. Good luck OP!
  13. What are you most worried about in regards to starting nursing school??

    I'm afraid of failure and not being smart enough. I worry that I won't be able to retain anything and that I will be a clueless student and possibly nurse. But this makes me want to try even harder!
  14. How to ask for Letters of Recommendation-Feel embarrassed!

    My sister was a marketing major and is a great talker so I talked to her and she ended up writing it for me. It was really good!
  15. How to ask for Letters of Recommendation-Feel embarrassed!

    I felt embarrassed when I asked my professor so I just cut straight to the point. I said I was applying to nursing school and asked if she would mind writing a letter for me. It ended up that I wrote the letter and she signed it, and I wound up getti...
  16. I go! and a word of warning

    Wow that's crazy and sadly not very surprising! Good thing you found out! Good luck with your classes!
  17. nursing schools

    Well in that case, my school is Sentara College of Health Sciences in Chesapeake, Virginia. Its a 2.5 year program for their BSN, all prereqs must be completed before the start of the program. :)
  18. How far would you commute to nursing school?

    I don't think I could do that for longer than a year, 2 if I was really dedicated. Taking into account that my clinicals start at 7 am, that is just way too early for me. If you're very dedicated and use the time in the car to listen to recorded lect...
  19. Nursing student

    Good luck! I loved micro. Its very hands on, and I love courses like that. Be prepared to grow your own bacterias and make your own microscope slides for examination. Such fun!
  20. nursing schools

    You have to look at schools in your area to figure that out. I know that in my area (eastern Va) my school only looks at required pre-reqs for consideration to the BSN program.... but unless you are willing to move to the area, that's not very helpfu...
  21. When do you find time to work out?

    My plan is to stop by my gym everyday after class. I live 10 minutes from campus and my gym is one street before the street my campus is on. So I figure if I'm driving by I can stop for at least 30 minutes!
  22. I need reassurance, or reality check?

    Thats how it is here! Some schools here average your grades, while my school (for BSN) looks at the highest grade you received and your TEAS V score. They don't accept letters of recommendation or essays, just your grades and test. I feel like its mo...
  23. I need reassurance, or reality check?

    True. I had a 4.0 at a college before, transferred to the college I'm at now due to military. The grades at my previous college did not transfer but my credit did. I did get accepted to my BSN program though, after scoring an 82% on the TEAS V. So ev...
  24. I need reassurance, or reality check?

    My current CC has grade forgiveness up to 3 attempts. I know this because I failed a class BC I stopped going due to personal reasons. I retook said class and got a C, and one other C plus all A's and 2 B's.... This all equates to a 3.4 GPA for me. B...
  25. Uniforms

    For the first part of my program (care partner) its white scrub pants and an embroidered royal blue scrub top. For the BSN portion I believe its the white scrub pants again and a different colored scrub top. Also, all white shoes. White + hospital = ...