Lindsey McGraw

Lindsey McGraw

Med Sur, LTC


About Lindsey McGraw

Lindsey McGraw has 34 years experience and specializes in Med Sur, LTC.

Spunky old nurse who loves to cook for friends.

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  1. My life is so hopeless right now!

    Please do not give gives us challenges...but there is help and hope for you!!! If you are strong enough to be able to accomplish going to nursing school, pass the boards then trudge on!! Check out the Social Services in your county,(they...
  2. Since I am older and wiser, absolutely do not work without malpractice insurance. Take a look through the recommendations of nurses on the blog.... NSO is a good choice and one I have used for many years. Presently working in a supervisory capacity...
  3. Definitely, from my perspective. Over the years fortunately I only had one concern where I called the 800 number for my Malpractice insurance with a valid question/concern. All turned out well, but it was enough to make me realize there are patients,...
  4. What would you do?

    Whoops!, think I am developing a form of half timers real bad. Did not remember posting on this article in the past...DA..should have read all the comments before? :)
  5. What would you do?

    Since demented residents present with symptoms often masked - my judgment call would have been send to the ER for a CT-scan. At our facility we error on the the side of caution mainly because a "cement floor" is most unforgiving. A slow subdural bl...
  6. What would you do?

    After 17 years of every capacity in LTC management (superviser for 12 of these years 3-11) my advice is always error on the side of caution. Head injuries in my facility -we sent them to the ER for a CT scan...because subdural bleeds do not present ...
  7. Restorative Dining

    Nursing homes are finding this new method of bringing residents to a dining room setting to be very effective in managing weight loss. Part of my supervisory responsibilities on a 3-11 shift was to oversee the dining room, assisting anyone in need, a...