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All Content by Morganalefey

  1. mom vs nurse

    I work part-time, and have an incredibly supportive husband/extended family. That helps. A LOT. I also meal plan and use my crock pot a lot on the nights I work. My husband is responsible for school lunches, and I have found that really helps me out ...
  2. Part time realistic?

    I work part-time (24hrs/week) and like it very much. I work 3, 8 hr shifts and could do 2, 12 hour shifts if I were to work midnights. We do self-scheduling, so every month I write in the days I wouldlike to work. Now, I don't necessarily always get...
  3. Floating?

    I've been a nurse for a year. I've been at my new job 4mos, and out of orientation for about 6 weeks or so. I went into work the other day, and they wanted me to float to another floor. I (politely) refused, stating that I was uncomfortable w/that a...
  4. 8 or 12hr shifts?

    I work part-time, and do 3, 8 hr shifts, and I really like it. Next year, my youngest child will be in full time school, and I plan to work full-time. Then I will want to work 3, 12's. In the end, it's more time home w/the family :)
  5. Cardizem drip?

    Does your unit have a standing order or protocol for this? If not, then you need to call the MD for specific orders.
  6. A fib in the 40's??

    Thank you guys so much! The amount of knowledge and experience here is amazing. I will NOT forget this. I made my story short b/c the rest of it wasn't relevant to my question, but now it is. Like I said, lady was a direct admit. She had seen the dr...
  7. A fib in the 40's??

    I've seen it below 100, but never as low as the 40's! Just curious, how did they treat it? I'd be hesitant to put someone w/such a low HR on a cardizem or amiodarone drip.
  8. "Loosing" my license

    In nursing school, it wasn't just drilled into our heads that we needed to protect our licenses, but we were also taken on a "field trip" to the state BON to listen in on cases where nurses had suspended/revoked licenses.
  9. What area of nursing works well for a mom?

    I was a stay at home mom before becoming a nurse. I have no idea what would be the perfect job for a mom, I'll just tell you what I do. I work 3-11's, 3x/week. Because I was a stay at home mom for so long ,it isn't a hardship for us, for me to work...
  10. Floating?

    Thank you, everyone, for your responses. I guess policy states that they can float you after you have been off orientation for 2 weeks That doesn't seem very reasonable to me, AT ALL. It was during the interview w/the NM that I was told 1 year (she ...

    Hey there I live in NW Indiana as well. I went to the Ivy Tech in Gary and got my RN last year. I don't think there is really a "fast track" way to LPN. You have to take the pre-req's, the TEAS and apply anywhere you go. I do know that places like Ka...
  12. Say What??????!!!!!!!!!!

    We had a "code kleenex" on my unit (cardiac care). About 5 or 6 of us were charting in the nurses station when a pt's daughter comes running in, yelling "you have to come quick, help her!" Everyone gets us, runs into the room, and the pt is sitting u...
  13. We have been very short-handed and getting mandated (forced) to work frequently. When that happens, we get an extra $10/hr and a $20 gift card for gas. IMO, it's not enough, lol. I went in at 3 yesterday afternoon and left at 0730. It's just not wort...
  14. Mandated :(

    Hi everyone. I'm new here to AN. So I've been an RN for a year now. I work on a very busy CCU (50 beds) in a medium sized hospital. I happen to be lucky enough to work with a bunch of fabulous nurses. I know it is a rare and great thing to have gre...
  15. How to find a job?

    Just keep trying. It took me 5 months to find a job after I passed boards.
  16. Nursing is not what I thought it would be!

    This sounds so terrible, but I am SO glad that I am not the only one that feels this way! I am in my first year of nursing, I work on a Very busy cardiac floor and I feel exactly like you do. This job was exactly what I wanted. The hospital, the floo...
  17. NCLEX passing rates

    I can't speak for all the schools, but my school basically taught me to pass NCLEX. My nursing skills have predominantly been taught on the job. So I don't think making the test harder will change anything. The schools will just teach their students ...
  18. NCLEX passing rates

    There is no nursing shortage. It is taking months or longer for new grads to find a job. It took me 5 months and there are many on this site who have taken MUCH longer. So I don't think it has anything to do w/filling nursing positions. Schools are t...
  19. Couple of questions....

    Hi everyone! I'm fairly new here at AN, and I have a couple questions for all you hospice nurses out there. Currently, I work in the hospital on a cardiac floor. I've been a nurse for a year now. Recently, our unit has been VERY short staffed, and ...
  20. Mandated :(

    Hi Everyone Thanks for the advice. My husbands anger was mis-directed at me. He was frustrated with the situation, not at me. And he apologized profusely that night and several times yesterday. I talked to him, read you guys' post, and spoke with sev...
  21. Question: Where are the nursing jobs?

    Plenty of jobs at my hospital. We are constantly being mandated and floated to the ICU when they are short. I'm a .6 fte, and will work more then 40 hours (not b/c I want to) this week. I'd love to hand out some jobs to you guys so I don't have to w...
  22. It's not What you know, it's WHO you know

    Hi everyone! I've been reading for awhile and see so many new grads struggling to find a job so I wanted to share my story. I hope it can help someone. I graduated May ,2011. Took boards in July, 2011. Applied for just a handful of jobs b/c I fractur...