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All Content by Morganalefey

  1. Pls HELP!! Confused, Am I understanding this right?

    See if this helps :)
  2. I pick the days that I'm dumped on....

    Wow, this surprises me. In my hospital, we always try to give a lighter load to the float (i.e. no one on a drip, etc), and try to give them 5pt's so they don't get an admit. That doesn't always happen, but we try. I'm shocked to hear that there are ...
  3. advise needed HELP!!

    Hey there! When I graduated nursing school, I hadn't worked in nearly 4 years. I had quit working to be home w/my little ones and to go back to school. I simply put on my resume when my last job was (which was 07) and explained on the application and...
  4. Things pts say that make you scratch your head.

    "NURSE! I CAN'T BREATHE! I CAN'T BREATHE!" "Can I have a drink of water?" O2 Sats: 98%
  5. That Dreaded 3-11 Shift

    I'm married with 3 young kids and work 3-11's. I only work part-time, so 3 shifts/week. The only reason I haven't applied to day shifts that have come up, is that then I am risking working 12's on my weekends/holidays, and it just isn't worth it to m...
  6. In my facility, drips like this are ALWAYS on their own pump, as a primary. If I had needed to run the NSS as well as the dopamine, I would have had 2 pumps. The normal saline would have hooked directly to the pt saline lock, and the dopamine would h...
  7. where to find classroom certification locations: Chicagoland

    It's scarey to me how many nurses are getting out of nursing school w/o having started an IV! I had students w/me a month or so ago, and they were NOT ALLOWED to start IV'S. How are you supposed to learn w/o trying?!
  8. underweight kid

    I'm the parent to a peanut-kiddo. At 8 years old, and in 3rd grade, she is smaller then her 1st grader brother, and a decent number of the kids in his class. She has been in the 5th percentile for height and weight since she was 4mos old. I don't und...
  9. What certifications do you have?

    Currently, just ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support. IE How to run a code). There is some rumor they are going to make us get PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) but I don't see why they would do that. I work on a cardiac/neuro IMCU (adults...
  10. How is the floor/hospital census lately?

    We are busting at the seams full!! We nearly emptied out the week of Thanksgiving, and it's been creeping up since. I think it will start to empty out again as we get closer to Christmas (or so I hope). Like others have said, lot's of respiratory pt...
  11. Atrial fibrillation

    The big issue with Afib is the risk for clots.
  12. A fib in the 40's??

    Hi everyone! I got a direct admit last night, who had gone to see the cardiologist (general malaise), who did an EKG that determined she was A fib, with a rate in the 40's. Has anyone every seen A fib w/a rate that low? He told her to come to the ho...
  13. What's the weirdest thing management has said to you?

    This happened today.... Sitting in our last ACLS class w/5 co-workers from my floor. We've just finished the review, and are about to start testing. My manager walks in and tells us that the shift coordinator told her to come down, pull a couple of u...
  14. Do Nurses Earn Big Money? You Decide.

    My family of 5 lived on about $36,000/year, prior to my husbands promotion, and me finishing nursing school. We had no credit cards and drove used cars (still do). We sometimes had to juggle bills around, we certainly went w/o a lot of extras, but we...
  15. On a need to know basis? How would you approach such situation?

    I would not comment to the pt that something should have been days earlier. How does that make your facility look if you do that? The other night I came across a 6 day old peripheral IV. Yikes. Our policy is they need to be changed after 4 days, so s...
  16. Can I be mandated in NYS under these circumstances?

    I hate to say this, but I don't think your schooling matters to your employer. I've been mandated 11p-7a after working 3-11's, and then had to be back at 3p the next day. As long as I am gone for 8 hours, they can do it. They don't really care what p...
  17. Speaking of... Getting to work early

    Do you have aides on your unit? Our aides check sugars, do vitals, and most of the bathing. I start on time, get report, write down the last set of vitals, meds to be given on the shift, and relevant labs. If I need to call a dr for any reason, I do ...
  18. So I get a call from the lab.....

    Hahahahahha.....that's good stuff. I got a phone call about a "critical high" INR for a pt on coumadin. INR was 2.5. LOL
  19. Assessments every shift?

    I keep reading through this thread just floored at how many people are in the hospital not getting assments. I don't understand how one can be too busy to do that. I will not give a single med w/o assessing my pt. Assessment is what nursing is all a...
  20. Assessments every shift?

    For ambulatory patients who are A/O I just ask them if they have any open wounds any where. If they are from LTC, non-ambulatory and/or incontinent I check their butt's myself. As far as a full head to toe goes....I always listen to heart/lungs/abdom...
  21. So many questions and so little time to decide...

    I just googled "scholarships for black males" and a ton of links pop up. You could also google "scholarships for veterans" and see what you get, as well. It might be a good idea to post on the NY board, here on AN, to see what those nurses think abou...
  22. Can I be a full time MOM and full time RN???

    Yes, you can! I have an 8y/o, a 7y/o and a 4.5y/o (yes, they are all very close in age) and I currently work 3, 8 hr shifts a week. Next year when my little one starts full time school I will probably work full time, 3, 12 hr shifts. You get more tim...
  23. My first clinical course and I hate it

    I remember, when I was in nursing school, feeling the exact same way you do about clinical. I also didn't feel "legitimate," didn't feel I belonged there, and most of the nurses on the floor didn't do much to help with that. My very last semester of ...
  24. Staffing Ratios

    I live about 45 mins out of Chicago :) I work on a Cardiac/Neuro IMCU, and we get similar pt's as yours except, that our fresh open hearts go to the ICU for a couple days. We also get all the neuro related pt's (seizures, cva's, etc). Our ratio is 5...
  25. where to find classroom certification locations: Chicagoland

    I live in Chicagoland too :) Anyway, I don't think RN's need to get IV certification b/c IV's fall under the scope of practice for an RN. I could most definitely be wrong, but that is what I thought. I will be following this thread to see what others...