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All Content by serenidad2004

  1. Ohhhh baby momma drama I feel for you as i have dealt with it for 10yrs... and I would have the same concerns for her being a nurse and also for the child.... wish I could tell you it gets...
  2. DBQ and Quad Cities

    I work in renal... just transfered from skilled/LTC about 6months ago and I love it! I do know they have PCU and SNF positions open now and i think some in med/surg and
  3. DBQ and Quad Cities

    I work for mercy in clinton have for the last 9yrs :) i know they hire new grads without experience... i believe base rate is close to $21. From what Ive heard mercys base is higher than genisis in...
  4. ADN to BSN?

    My hospital is now starting the process of becoming a magnet facility so they are encouraging all current RNs to get a BSN degree. They are offering scholarships at
  5. Starting Salary [new grad]?

    Iowa, hospital owned out pt dialysis clinic with 9 years LTC/SNF exp and I make 23.06. I believe new grads start at 20.70 anywhere within the hospital system. Benefits are expensive right around $210...
  6. LPN thinking of quitting job full time to focus on RN

    I worked as an LPN for 3 years prior to returning to school for my RN. I had no choice but to work when I went back to school. It was HARD! I worked fulltime+ hours had my daughter an 2 step kids at...
  7. Bad things happen in 3's?

    When I worked in LTC it seemed as if the deaths always came in threes... we would have three pts die within a span of 2wks and then nothing for a few months and then it would start all over
  8. Extreme Lab Values

    WBC 48 pt died shortly there after Potassium 8.2 dialyzed and was fine only indication was sl irregular apical Hgb 3.9 pt was "just a little tired and short of
  9. Why do I need to know spanish to move positions at my job?

    My husband is Mexican and I am white... I am all about him teaching our children spanish... nothing but good things can come from being bilingual. While I agree that if you are in this country you...
  10. I love elderly people... and my absolute favorite is the gruff grumpy old man that no one wants to deal with because they say "hes rude and mean" take some time with them and give them back some of...
  11. Oh I agree!!! My daughter was hit in the face with a stick 3 days before her 10th birthday... 4 pushed in front teeth a fracture jaw and an emergency dental surgeon visit.... i can deal with just...
  12. LTC Nurses... please answer

    Staffing, public perception of nursing homes, pt /family education Staff education!! Not all LTC nurses are this way but quite a few i worked with had the "well the dr knows so im not pursuing it...
  13. So your boss/manager tells you...

    At the LTC facility I worked at we had a podiatrist that came in once every 6 weeks for all pts and more frequently if needed for some. Nursing staff did NOT clip toe nails because of the risk of...
  14. Toileting during Dialysis

    We do toilet our pts if they need to go and i have done incontinent care more times than i can count.... ive even changed a foley cath in dialysis.... That being said we do try to discourage use of...
  15. I had years of experience prior to going to dialysis i would suggest getting floor exp
  16. Would you marry a Doctor?

    Would my financial situation be better than the current one of living paycheck to paycheck had I married a "rich sexy doctor" instead of my "poor mexican cook" husband? Certainly it would.... But...
  17. What do you pick for breakfast?

    My breakfast of champions you ask? Diet dr pepper and cigarettes... unhealthy and I know it... but whatever works
  18. That kind of pt load seems terrible!!!! I thought our SNF that i used to work at was bad and the most i would have on days or evenings was 14.... and that was hard sometimes with 9yrs experience......
  19. Policy Re; AMA

    When we had residents leave AMA we didnt even give them scripts.... they we alert and oriented and were given the consequences of signing out
  20. Hypotension

    Our docs order a minimum intradialetic pressure we have some pts that run 80s systolic and they are fine thats their norm otherwise we shut the UF off for 10-15min an recheck an then give a NS bolus...
  21. What color do you wear?

    When i was in LTC/skilled nurses could wear any color top but white bottoms.... cnas could wear anything but white bottoms.... now in dialysis ive had to buy colored bottoms because it can be a well...
  22. While I didnt lose my job or have to take a leave... I did have a battle with depression that affected my work. Tie depression with anxiety and add in changing my meds for ADD then add 35 LTC pts I...
  23. Trying to get into Dialyis with no luck so far

    I wasnt a new grad.. had 9yrs of SNF/LTC experience, but the only dialysis experience I had was taking care of a few pts who received dialysis. I was able to transfer to my hospitals dialysis unit...
  24. What Is It Like?

    Great description!!! Tho I believe as a LTC nurse before I went to dialysis We were lowest on the totem poll
  25. New RN in LTC

    When I was a brand new LPN in LTC I worked 2nd shift and was going to be responsible for 43pts myself with only 3 CNAs and no CMA. I was given 4wks with another nurse... the 1st week on days and the...