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  1. Darton Fall 2012??

    if u would like to do group studies pls let me know. email me at [email protected]
  2. Darton Fall 2012??

    hi there.i am very interested in group study.i havent registered yet.pls email me if u would like us to be study partners.i think it really helps and we can encourage one another if the other needs a boost. my email is= timohchristel@yah...
  3. Darton Fall 2012??

    hey guys sorry for the update. i got accepted into the Albany track !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am so excited and feel like am on cloud nine.keakin6 please keep the fight going dont give up.
  4. Darton Fall 2012??

    congrats tperks:yelclap:
  5. Darton Fall 2012??

    hey limitless-vision .i live about an hr from atlanta ga.i didnt realise the letters will be out so soon than the scheduled date.i tell u ,this letter will make or break me . i also applied in north dakota (what a plan b)but i have no option at this ...
  6. Darton Fall 2012??

    hey southbeach congrattttttssss!!!!! i want to be u so bad rite now.peace of mine.u must be on cloud nine .we both have the same overall score but ofcourse we know thats no guarantee.can u pls tell me what u score on everything was and your gpa if u ...
  7. Darton Fall 2012??

    thank u keakin6 am so so so nervous cos then am just borderline to the average .i hope we all get in guys .i want this so bad .was 79 the a$P average score for the class?or just the overall composite score for the group on all sections?goodluck to u ...
  8. Darton Fall 2012??

    hi ladies i am a transfer awaiting the letters for fall 2012 as well.had an overall of 83.8 .80 in a$p with a 2.8ish gpa .do u ladies know what the class average for a$p is and the other sections are? i have never been this nervous in my life.