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All Content by grentea

  1. Differences between LTC and Rehab?

    I just started on a rehab unit in a hospital and I'm almost at my limit when I have six patients. I know you wouldn't be passing your meds, but you still have to make sure they're the right ones. I think 18 is way too much. There are many other as...
  2. First rotation hell!

    You deserve a better and more detailed evaluation other than "lacking insight". That's not too much of a helpful evaluation if you're supposed to be making some sort of an improvement. You don't really deserve the kind of treatment you've had simpl...
  3. Nursing Residencies?

    I kind of did one, but other than meeting for a class one day a month, and having some meetings at the beginning of my orientation with other GNs, I don't understand what made it a "residency". IMHO it's just a word some hospitals use to dress up th...
  4. cleaning poop

    poop happens. at this point, i'm over it. mouthwash helps a lot in cutting down on odor while cleaning up surfaces and sometimes even bottoms. oh yeah and that peri-spray helps a whole lot too. poop is a pretty easy problem to solve, it's the oth...
  5. my opinion that's pretty messed up. I mean I've worked at other establishiments aside from healthcare in which the company has had to get people's permission before posting addresses and phone number in a directory. For Colorado to just do...
  6. First year = depression?

    I've been having a really hard time lately too. I made two mistakes at work (no one was hurt) and was told that if I make one more, I'm out. Now I'm a nervous wreck at work, and I'm coming off of orientation soon. The thing is, I have a friend who...
  7. I need your help with recruting ideas.

    A good work environment and a facility that treats it nurses well is what would really draw me in. My happiness and job satisfaction matters a lot to me. I pretty much turned down a big sign on bonus because I knew a lot of nurses weren't happy wit...
  8. What De-Stress technique works for you?

    yoga is awesome. i did it a lot in nursing school and kind of got out of practice once i started working about five months ago. then i realized how miserable i've been feeling lately and i decided to get back into it. it made me feel so much bette...
  9. The weekend that blew up

    As a new nurse, I made two med errors too. I don't really want to get into what they were, but my patients were ok. I was told that one more, and I'll be asked to leave. I am feeling so ashamed of myself, but I've seen quite a few errors on my flo...
  10. Nursing is 24hrs is just an expression

    I've seen some of this at my hospital. Sometimes it seems like people just want to pick apart my work because I'm a new grad. It's like a shift against shift thing a lot of times. I don't even have the time to do that to other people when I'm work...
  11. Besides nursing...

    I second phlebotomy. I've also considered getting into psychological counselling of some sort or becoming a case manager.
  12. Leaving work at work

    i'm a new grad (on a med surg floor) so i'm not too good at leaving work at work. i try to stop myself from going over what happened during the day in my head. the other night i thought i might have forgotten to give an iv antibiotic, and i got all...
  13. Anyone else hating morning shift?

    Yeah...I'm not a fan of day shift either, mostly because I'm seriously not a morning person. I was hired for evening shift, but for the last month and a half, I've been on day shift because they wanted me to get used to how things run on day shift, ...
  14. Tinynurse-I'm in the same boat. Just crossing my fingers and hoping nothing happens. I did get pretty sick last week, but it was just a nasty GI flu thing that was going around, and there's nothing much to do about that anyways. I imagine if I was...
  15. Looking for second hospital...what to put on resume?

    I think the best thing to do is to be honest and say where you were before. I was in a very similar situation. I had been at my first hospital for about two months when I realized things really, seriously weren't working out. It pretty much just w...
  16. scope of practice for new grads

    I really haven't found myself in very many of those situations. Usually, I'll think through whatever a situation involves and if I realize that I might not know what I'm doing, I will always, always ask for help. I guess just thinking ahead is how ...
  17. tough time giving report.

    I have to agree with JMBM. In terms of how RNs take report there are two kinds of nurses: the ones who are truly interested in knowing what they need to know to take care of the patient, and the ones who enjoy turning report into a competition of so...
  18. huge juggling act with time as the enemy

    I hear you Joli. Yesterday, one of the evening shift RNs thought I was working with her because I was still around after my shift was over. It was kind of funny. Almost every day when I come home, I can't shake this feeling that I forgot somethin...
  19. do you feel like the CNA's run the floor?

    I really work well with the nurse aides on my floor. We help each other out a lot. Occasionally, I'll meet a nurse aide floated to my floor who might give some attitude but it's not something I get all bent out of shape over. It hasn't always been...
  20. Were you scared of needles or blood?

    I did an accelerated degree program and my original degree is in Political Science. For a long time I thought that I couldn't ever be a nurse because I had a blood/needle problem. Once I passed out after seeing something bloody and messed up on TV,...
  21. 12 hour shifts

    i guess i'm in the minority here, but i just started working eight hour shifts five days a week and i think it's great. i love the fact that that i can have a life when i'm done work. working a few 12's in a row wasn't so bad, but i didn't like the...
  22. Um, more than I wanted to know...

    If I'm ever doing something right after work, I always bring a change of clothes. Besides the fact that I don't like walking around in my germy work clothes, I'm not too fond of the random questions. I could sum up 95% of peoples' question in to o...
  23. Need some support

    Ladydame- I started out on a rough unit in a city hospital when I first graduated from nursing school all of six months ago. I was there for about two months before I was aware of the fact that I needed a change and I was completely miserable. My c...
  24. A nurse health?

    I think I've probably gotten sick less often. I had a pretty sedentary job/lifestyle before nursing and I guess just being a nurse forces me to be more active and as a result a little healthier...or so I'd like to think. I've thought about bringing...
  25. Preceptor Problems

    You could always talk to your preceptor directly about the fact that you don't like the way she has been talking to you and you feel like you need some real goals....that is if you really think she'll listen to you and you feel like you could learn s...