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  1. San Jacinto College ADN Spring 2013

    How you doing in your BSN? I tried to apply for BSN program for fall 2013. But my TEA V score wasn't high enough . So I'm Planning to apply for ADN at San Jac for fall 2013. I have overall GPA 3.69 with bachelor's degree. One of my friend said back ...
  2. lee college fall 2012 admission

    Hi... I hope your ADN going good for you :).. I tried to apply for Alvin and Lee for ADN program in fall 2013. I saw you got accept in both school.. if you can advice what is should do, thats will be awesome. thank you so much :)
  3. Lee College Acceptance

    Hello everyone! how are you? I tried to apply for ADN program at Lee College for fall 2013. I searched online and found this forum. Congrats to every who in the program :).. I heard Lee College doesn't require you to take any entrance exam (Hesi, Te...
  4. UTMB Spring 2013

    HI all, I'm trying to apply for UTBM Traditional BSN program for Spring 2013 as well. but i was hoping if you guys can give me some advise on what i should put on my personal essay, application or test? I'm going to take my test in June 11 and the de...
  5. UTMB Spring 2012

    HI all, I'm trying to apply for UTBM Traditional BSN program for Spring 2013.. and I know this forum is Spring 2012.. but i was hoping if you guys can give me some advise on what i should put on my personal essay, application or test? I'm going to t...