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  1. Accepted into CCC Nursing Program: Truman College

    There is a "skills lab?" I have my work schedule allready planned out around the current scheduleing. No one ever said anything about a lab! Also, they sent out an updated book list? I called Becks yesterday and it was still on hold.
  2. Accepted into CCC Nursing Program: Truman College

    I will do so right now!
  3. Accepted into CCC Nursing Program: Truman College

    Has anyone heard if CCC wants us to get our physicals/10-panel screenings at a partiular clinic/set of clinics? Or can we just get get it done wherever we want?
  4. Accepted into CCC Nursing Program: Truman College

    I got days, and wanted evening! I will switch with you for sure jrschaaf.
  5. Accepted into CCC Nursing Program: Truman College

    I got days, and wanted evening! I will witch with you for sure jrschaaf.