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All Content by norlns24

  1. New nurse at rock bottom please fellow nurses help me

    Greetings, Perhaps you could volunteer a few hours a week at the biggest health care employer in your area that would have the most positions you are qualified for (including your restrictions). If you develop a good rapport w/ employes, and in part...
  2. My acceptance letter..

    Congrats!!!!!!! A bit speechless though about the lateness of letting applicants know whether they got in or not. My community college's ADN program lets applicants known yes or no in April for August start date. Not knowing until literally a week ...
  3. Adjunct Faculty a.k.a. 'Academic Sharecroppers'

    Fantastic article, and timely based on a conversation I just had recently with a good friend. I agree wholeheartedly that adjunct faculty members are by and large wonderful instructors making the most with what they have to work with, but how sad th...
  4. New college student!!!!!! *(help)*

    Sounds like you do just fine. You sound very enthusiastic and ready to take the plunge. Since you are a student/ mom, check to see if there are clubs on campus for you. I attended a community college, and there was an academic and social support c...
  5. Pre-Employment Survey Prior to Interview

    I really, really doubt you failed the personality exam. I've had friends tell me that interviewers have asked for clarification to answers my friends gave on a pre-screening test. In one case, the interviewer even went so far as to say "I know you ...
  6. Pre-Employment Survey Prior to Interview

    You should be fine. Somewhere in the middle is a good way to go on the trickier questions imo. I dislike those tests. I try not to answer like I think they want me to, because the test itself is often little more than a BS meter. I love questions...
  7. Are there any RNs with an actual job with a sealed record?

    A reference from a solid, ongoing work relationship (for ex., from a fellow manager or district manager, etc. at A-F) is important, not necessarily whether it comes from a health-care related relationship. The content of the letter and the length an...
  8. Are there any RNs with an actual job with a sealed record?

    I would not be so despondent. Many job applications use the verbiage, "in the past ten years" when asking about background information. You are coming up on that ten year cut-off. Some will ask if you have ever been arrested/ convicted, etc. The ...
  9. Leave during orientation for dream job?

    I would be careful about labeling a job you have yet to perform for any great length of time and at place/ organization for which you have yet to work at (assuming you did no clinical there) as your "dream job." On what criteria are you basing this?...