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All Content by Fearless_leader

  1. January 2014 Broward College

    RNAmaxx I'm at South.
  2. January 2014 Broward College

    Ok it's time for me to think & be positive. It took hard work & determination to get here. I will not let anything stop me from reaching this goal. Yes it will be hard. Yes I will cry, get mad, scream, & maybe want to punch someone lights...
  3. January 2014 Broward College

    I registered on that Island. Me & my caboose.
  4. January 2014 Broward College

    Did anyone get the booklist?
  5. January 2014 Broward College

    I got my Email. I'm officially on the Island of the Misfit Toys:banghead: I did not want to go to that campus. All I can so is suck it up. That's all. Ugh....
  6. January 2014 Broward College

    @dwittman I did. I failed A&P 2lab with a red flag "F". 2nd time I got a B. I hope that's not the issue here. @Getting to Great I agree with you. My daddy sits up high & looks down low. He see me with those square wheels, but he picked me up ...
  7. January 2014 Broward College

    Square wheels is basically a flat tire...Lol! I needed that laugh just to take my mind off of this lack of email situation. My degree audit only shows that I need to take the Nursing core. I have so many credits that I can share some. I have a feelin...
  8. January 2014 Broward College

    @butterfly6890 Maybe Micro I'm in that now. I have humanities & the other perquisite as well. I don't know what is going on. I guess tomorrow will get those emails. I'm just a bit stress don't mind me square wheels & all. Lol Jj8830 Thanks ...
  9. January 2014 Broward College

    I feel like the train with square wheels.#Misfit
  10. January 2014 Broward College

    Me too. What the hell does that mean. Are they trying to put us on the "Island of the Misfit Toys"? I'm not a misfit.#lol I have to laugh to keep from crying...
  11. January 2014 Broward College

    I didn't get one from north, central or south yet :/
  12. January 2014 Broward College

    Lol I just waste water all over my pants @ Quest of all places.
  13. January 2014 Broward College

    Were all waiting patiently. Lol
  14. January 2014 Broward College

    Yes I'm considering BC again. I did them last year but they told me to redo them because there only good for 2yrs.
  15. January 2014 Broward College

    No emails yet. :/
  16. January 2014 Broward College

    @rich9 where are you doing your CEU's?
  17. January 2014 Broward College

    Anyone else starting their physicals, drug screening this week? Tomorrow I'm doing my drug test & Thurs. my physical & shots. I can do my PPD, & tetorifice at work. The Health Dept. has list of the fees for immunization on there website. ...
  18. January 2014 Broward College

    Tag.... To all the Mommies out there. Have you started talking with family and good friends that can help you out during your journey? This is rough draft of my what I will put on my fridge. I have 4 children 17, 13,,10 & 3. I will be 36 in DEC. ...
  19. January 2014 Broward College

    @ Butterfly6890 Tag your it I have a few questions for you? My question is, How do you organize your day? How much time do you put into studying? What area has been the hardest/easiest so far for you?
  20. January 2014 Broward College

    Doing simple math, or whatever or the subject is. We may all run into a bump during our nursing journey. Now handle you handle the bump is up to you. I know everyone that is determine will strive to do their very best. For those like myself who str...
  21. January 2014 Broward College

    @Jj8830 N.H. is from North. Lol. I just wanted to share this post from a previous thread. I had the opportunity to meet this student this summer. This is just her perspective on the nursing program. She is a former North Campus student. Enjoy. Mar...
  22. January 2014 Broward College

    Yeah me too I have only the forms email. Nothing about binder info. By the way I live 5 mins from South, but I would love to go to North. I'm not crazy, but a girl know what she likes PERIOD! If my husband wasn't carrying the full load of our family...
  23. January 2014 Broward College

    I have my email honey....... Thanks for the heads up.
  24. January 2014 Broward College

    I got you Hun.
  25. January 2014 Broward College

    @Getting to Great, remember on orientation she said the schedule is not completely up for a reason. "To keep us from registering." LOL. It will be up fully on 10/23. I was a bit overwhelmed yesterday. I paid my $29 fee & working on getting my CEU...