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  1. Microbiology - Fall 2005

    I start Microbiology next Monday so I guess that officially makes me Pre-Nursing! We're using Tortora 8th. I got it on for $75.00 and it's the International Edition but the reviews promise that the material is the same page for page. I t...
  2. Waiting lines for UW(wis.) applicants?

    I haven't heard of any significant wait lists for the UW. I'm on the wait list for MATC and we were initially told 3-4 years to start clinicals but they have since added a night track to allow more students per semester. I have a BS in Public Healt...
  3. Adn To Msn

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison offers an ADN to MSN program. You need 2 years of work experience to be admitted. You must complete all the general education requirements for the BSN. You will receive credit for the introductory nursing course...