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All Content by pro-student

  1. Head to Toe Assessment

    Practice, practice, practice! Practice over and over in family and friends, basically anyone who will let you touch them. Practice on classmates and give each other feedback. Practice on your pillow when no one else you know will let you. Assessment ...
  2. "My pain is about an eight and a half"

    To be fair, I've never heard anyone ask for a pain rating as a whole number. Most people are genuinely trying to be helpful. I also think most lay people overestimate the importance that number has on their care.
  3. FNP to acute care CAGS

    This isn't true. The vast majority of nurse practitioners in emergency settings are FNPs and almost none have done peds acute care (I know if only a couple but they work in exclusively pediatric EDs). In most EDs that see all ages, kids make up less ...
  4. talking to the cops about my patient

    Tbh, the information you provided already violated HIPPA (unless you had the pt's consent which you didn't mention). I second the advice that you should consult your facilities policy but unless you're making a report allowed by state law, police don...
  5. Friend is sending FB requests to all ICU/ER nurses

    Wow, that's creepy as hell. What is she expecting? Since her resume isn't impressive enough to get any consideration, her FB stalking skills will?
  6. Teaching In ADN Program

    Thank you for your thoughtful response. I agree that the culture of the program would make all the difference. I would love to hear if anyone else has thoughts/experience with this issue.
  7. Looking for a statistics workshop/short course for nurses

    Idk of anything like you mentioned but you can google statistics MOOCs. There lots of options of free online courses at various levels and on different platforms. Another option would be a basic stats class at a local (or online) university or commun...
  8. Out of Practice NP - Which terminal degree?

    Most DNP programs don't have a requirement for practice experience much less recent experience. To be safe, it would be a good idea to identify a few programs you would be interested in attending and talking to them directly. My hunch is that most pr...
  9. DrPH Vs MSN

    Your goals seem kind of vague. I'm not aware of a lot of leadership roles in case management other than supervisor which would probably require experience more so than an advanced degree. If you're looking to move towards administrative/leadership in...
  10. FNP to acute care CAGS

    You have to get started somewhere and it's not like you don't have any experience to build off of. I would suggest you invest some time learning about the specifics of emergency nursing. I like Pass CEN which is nice because it's in an outline format...
  11. Am I doing the right thing?

    It can be challenging to make the transition without specific experience and there is a pretty common bias that you need certain specific RN experience to move into an NP role. There's no evidence that this is the case but it's one you're likely to e...
  12. FNP to acute care CAGS

    I think that similar to a post-master's certificate in an additional specialty. Acute care isn't the same a critical care and/or emergency. Med-surg is also acute care. If your goal is to work in emergency, there are a few more options to train spe...
  13. OB class makes me depressed...

    Thank you for sharing your experience! It can be really difficult adjusting to a reality that is different than what we hoped for. I in no way want to diminish how you feel but I want to point out that nothing you mentioned precludes you from being ...
  14. Furthering education

    I agree that pursing a masters before you have a clear idea of what direction you want to go in nursing would be unwise. It's great that you are committed to advancing your education and I totally understand the desire to finish school sooner rather ...
  15. Advice for parents in nursing school

    I second this advice. It's good that you are aware of the challenges so you are read to face them head-on but try not to tell that overwhelm you. In my experience, parents make some of the best students. They almost always have a good reason for purs...
  16. Prepping for nursing school

    Preping for the academic content of nursing school is likely to be counterproductive. As the previous post mentioned, trying to answer questions about material you haven't learned yet isn't going to teach you anything but is likely you make you more ...
  17. Does it get better?

    Some level of concern about specific cases or apprehension about taking on a new role is normal but crippling anxiety about your general role as a student/future nurse is not. I would strongly recommend you talk to a professional about how you are fe...
  18. Pros and Cons of BSN/MSN

    No, that's wrong. The vast majority of RN to MSN programs don't grant a BSN in the process (the only exception I know of is University of Missouri) which means that if you don't finish the whole program for any reason you won't have earned any degree...
  19. Advice on path to follow

    I think it's wonderful that you have a passion for teaching and lots of varied interests. I think one important consideration is to consider you end goals. If, for instance, you want to teach in an ADN program, a focus on med-surg is probably your be...
  20. Group G strep

    Group G Strep are part of the normal flora in the airway, skin, and reproductive tract. Something like 25% of adults carry GGS in their pharynx. Occasionally, these bacteria can cause infection including bacteremia, endocarditis, septic arthritis, ph...
  21. Med/surg

    I've never see a job posting for L&D that asked for med/surg experience but lots that ask for L&D experience. There's nothing magical about med/surg and it's an outdated myth than new nurses should do their time here before moving on to their...
  22. Salary CO PMHNP

    According to, the median salary for PMHNPs in Colorado Springs is $102,361 and only 25% earn less than $91,508. $115,000 seems like a generous number for a new grad in the area and would put you above the 75th percentile for all PMHNPs. I...
  23. Can ACNP with ENP-C see kids?

    To be eligible to sit for the ENP exam, you have to be an FNP. To be eligible for the exam, you also have to meet one of the following 3 options to demonstrate adequate preparation in advanced practice emergency nursing. The Emergency specialty cert...
  24. MS in Health Informatics to MSN/ DNP Family Nurse Practioner?

    There's no bridges for non-nursing master's degrees. Most schools have a policy on transfer credit for specific courses if there is a very close match or if your degree includes elective credits. Although, most FNP programs won't have much overlap wi...
  25. MSN without clinical??

    This. Administration is non-clinical so having clinical wouldn't make much sense. If you want to gain some mentored experience, you can look for a program that has a practicum or internship component although I don't know how common this is in admini...