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  1. Is my short career over?

  2. Things you'd LOVE to be able to tell patients, and get away with it.

    you called the ambulance because you were having "terrible chest pain" and have a history of mi and stents of course the doctor is going to admit youwhat did u think was going to happen
  3. Say What??????!!!!!!!!!!

    oh wait here's anotheran elderly patient praying in her bed in the ER at the top of her voice"please dear lord Jesus, please let them give me some dilaudid"
  4. Say What??????!!!!!!!!!!

    forgot one: I was checking pulses in an elderly womans foot when she looked at me and said"are you my paperboy?"
  5. Say What??????!!!!!!!!!!

    hmm . . . while putting a foley in for a patient who was going to have a transvaginal ultrasound "how are they gonna examine mewith that thing up my cooter"an elderly patient refusing to wear her nasal cannula:"I don't want to get addicted to that ox...
  6. Patient asking for something at the wrong time...

    our er had three events that had just happened almost simultaneously and we had all been running around trying to save three liveswe had two stabilized and the third was still ongoing when I noticed a woman trying to enter the EdI told her no visitor...
  7. patient death from PE

    true he couldnt have been too healthylooking back I realized he was only in my bed one hour before we were codingbut I still thought when it was all over couldn't we have done betterI guess cause he was my youngest code
  8. patient death from PE

    thank u allactually was a male patient with no clot risk factors we knew ofhe had had a spontaneous pneumo three weeks previously and a NSTEMI however and had COPDso when he presented with tachycardia tachypnea and chest pain after ruling out another...
  9. patient death from PE

    I recently lost a 20 something patient in the ED and other nurses say it was probably a PE. I keep going over everything in my mind and questioning what we did. If you have had a patient die from a PE will you share your experience for comparison?
  10. Placing IVs in shoulder, breast, upper chest

    Recently had pt transferred from another ED with a line in her breast that infiltrated in route and caused a horrible infiltrateI have stuck the upper arm but that's my limit