buytheshoes11 MSN, RN

Med-Surg, Neuro, Respiratory

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All Content by buytheshoes11

  1. buytheshoes11

    How is the job market for nursing where you live?

    CA; RN-BSN; I know in Northern CA the market is poor. Stagnant would be an appropriate term!
  2. buytheshoes11

    Time Frame for Med Administration

    Where I have been in school and where I work now I've been told it's a one hour window for acute and a two hour window for LTC.
  3. buytheshoes11

    So, who LOVES LTC?? I need inspiration!

    What I truly love about LTC are the relationships you begin to build with the residents. I didn't see that much in acute care. I also love many of the other nurses and CNAs that I get to work with! I hope you love your new job!!
  4. buytheshoes11

    I'm tired of it!

    I definitely agree with the part about the families. Many of them are over-controlling and expect nurses to act as gods and know all of the answers and to wave a magic wand and have the MD appear, stat. Jeez. Anyway, I guess all jobs have their ups a...
  5. buytheshoes11

    How far do you travel to get to work?

    About thirty minutes for me. It would be nice for something closer but I am thankful for a job!!
  6. buytheshoes11


    Good for you!! Best of luck in your new job! :cheers:
  7. buytheshoes11

    Texting while doing patient care?

    Yikes! To me this is highly unprofessional. I know some places are starting to use text messaging to allow healthcare team members to easily interact, but to blatantly blurt out what this nurse said is just wrong. Wow.
  8. The facilities and hospitals in my area prefer BSNs over ADNs when it comes to hiring, but out here an RN is an RN (as far as pay goes).
  9. buytheshoes11

    Why many new grads don't find jobs....

    I think some people expect things to be handed to them as soon as they ask for something. I went to school with several people like this - people who grew up getting what they wanted from their parents and expecting the rest of the world to cater to ...
  10. buytheshoes11

    The First Year Newbie Nurse Survival Plan

    Thank you for posting this! I loved it! Have a lot of fun with traveling. It's nice that you are taking time to enjoy yourself and your time.
  11. buytheshoes11

    How can I gracefully and tactfully say No?

    You could offer suggestions as a way of helping but your peer doesn't need to be copying your work. If she can't grasp the concept to make a care plan I don't know how she will successfully make it through nursing school, much less pass NCLEX..
  12. buytheshoes11

    new grad -ltc

    Ask as many questions as you feel necessary and don't be too hard on yourself.
  13. buytheshoes11

    My NCLEX Journey

    Great job! It's a wonderful feeling be able to say that you are a NURSE!!
  14. buytheshoes11

    New energy drink for students!

    Coca-Cola products during the week and beers on the weekend. That's what helped me get through nursing school - just being honest.
  15. buytheshoes11

    Gave my notice yesterday.

    I'm glad that you will have more time with your family! I send many happy thoughts your way.
  16. buytheshoes11

    What am I doing wrong??

    To get my first job I moved from the south all the way out to California. Like you said, looking in another state may be the key! It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. I think finding a job these days requires more time and a heckuva lo...
  17. buytheshoes11

    Will my tattoos hold me back?

    My visible tattoo is on my wrist - and for that one I simply wear a watch. Several nurses where I work have tattoos on their arms but they wear long sleeves to cover them up. Like other posters said, there are a couple of companies that make conceal...
  18. buytheshoes11

    Please, please, please remember the 5 rights!

    How terrifying! I am glad that the little guy is okay though! It's like what the OP said though, even in an emergency it's so important to remember the five rights before you pass the med!
  19. buytheshoes11

    Made it Through My First Semester in NS

    Congratulations! Remember to take a little time to have some fun! There are some days when I really wish I could go back to nursing school. Good luck with your last three semesters!
  20. buytheshoes11

    Are you your own worst critic?

    Yes, I am definitely my own worst critic. I always have been and probably always will be. As hard as it may be though, it is important to cut yourself some slack! I have to tell myself this every day and it does work.
  21. buytheshoes11

    Tips for nursing school success

    Great tips! I stupidly thought I could fly through nursing school with no issue like I did in my first two years of college. My first fundamentals test proved me wrong, hah!
  22. buytheshoes11

    When calling in are you asked "what's wrong with you"

    They don't ask us when we call in...previously, staff would get burned when calling in, so the union was notified and mgmt has left us alone since then.
  23. buytheshoes11

    Flushing PICC lines

    Where I work we do 10 cc NS before and after the ABX. We don't use Heparin.
  24. buytheshoes11

    Favorite things you bought during RN school to help your studies?

    Laptop, stethoscope, then an NCLEX questions/answers book I bought my final semester!
  25. buytheshoes11

    Would you like some cheese with that whine.

    I would die of happiness if that's what my shift assignment looked like.