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All Content by Mrs.Priss

  1. Check this out! Stethoscope necklace?! I just searched stethoscope Id
  2. Using a white (dry erase) board to study

    I have a large one in my home office. I use it to write inspirational quotes, important things due or coming up, etc.!
  3. Check this out! Stethoscope necklace?!

    Would something like this work better?
  4. I'm so excited to start!

    Our orientation is August 4th but we have to have all immunizations, physical, and CPR certification done by July 31st. I'm so nervous!!!!!
  5. "C" in A&P1 Can and should I take it again?

    I made a C in APII over a summer online course and still got accepted!
  6. Stethoscope for fall 2012

    Well, I received mine in the mail today and the tube seems bigger and shorter than most. It's an allheart cardio in stealth black. I know NOTHING about stethoscopes! I tried listening to my husbands heartbeat and I could barely hear it! I'm wondering...
  7. Preparing for 1st Semester of Nursing School

    Yes... Please let us joke the name of this little notecard book! : )
  8. Counting down

    Our orientation isn't until August either!!!! I feel like time is going so slow get too fast! Lol
  9. IS IT OKAY?!?!?

    Is it ok that when I read some of the posts that are talking about preceptorship or nursing classes or clinicals, I feel like I'm reading a foreign language!? I'm thinking "um...whaaaaat?!?!" I know that's all stuff I'll learn when nursing classes ac...
  10. Reciting nurse's pledge question

    I don't see how anyone is being forced to a particular way of "spiritual thinking!" are you being forced into spiritual activities when you spend money that says in God we trust?! It's just a pledge! I say, suck it up bc no one is forcing you to beli...
  11. Keep my Micro book?

    Out micro professor told us we COULD buy the book and it was for sale the bookstore (she had to say this) but that we did not need it! We took great notes though! I refer back to my notes a lot! I'd just keep an organized binder with your notes an s...
  12. Online BSN program while doing ADN program

    We can get our ban through university of Memphis online after we graduate with ADN and it takes 1 year. I don't know about simultaneously... Good question! : )
  13. School Bag

    Well my school is an hour and a half one way from my home is I would have to bring quite a hit plus I'm carpooling
  14. You're sisters are probably secretly jealous/angry that you are getting to fulfill your dreams! I'm 29 and have 2 sisters as well... I know how brutal they can be! I also know how it feels when your entire family doesn't understand what an accomplish...
  15. Advice for new students

    THANK YOU! A LOT of people, including myself, need to read your post! It was well needed! Good luck and best wishes! : )
  16. Preparing for 1st Semester of Nursing School

    I am also preparing for first semester and would love to read the responses to this post! I feel like my list Of things I need/want is a mile long!!!
  17. DSCC in Tennessee! : )
  18. Fall 2012 new nursing students roll call!!!

    I start in August! I have to get physical, vaccines, CPR certified over summer. Our orientation is August 4th!!! I've been getting advice from last semester's students. I'm so anxious to start! I wish orientation was tomorrow! I'm going to try and en...
  19. Purchasing Textbooks? Best ways/cheapest?

    I got all of mine (minus one I have to purchase in the school bookstore) on and $260 for all of them!
  20. Med math test at start of nursing school?

    We have to take this test too! We get two chances to pass. I had a 100 average in my math for meds class so I'm not too worried! I'm just looking over my book and old notes and refreshing over summer. After orientation I will know better exactly what...
  21. Shoes for nursing school, any recommendations???

    What about alegria ( sp)? Anyone wear this brand?
  22. IS IT OKAY?!?!?

    Thanks a lot for the feedback! One day at a time! : )
  23. skills for fundamentals

    I'm also interested in the responses as I'm about to start this in fall... Any tips/suggestions would be Great!
  24. Pregnancy: Before or After Nursing School

    I'm 29... Will be 30 in December and 31 when I graduate... I have a 17 month old. We have decided to try for our second child after I start working.
  25. ACCEPTED!!!!!!

    There were 36 accepted I believe! It IS exciting!!! I have SO much to prepare over summer! I know everyone says relax but it's hard to because I'm SO excited!!! : ) congrats to everyone starting this fall!!!