
Scarlettz BSN, RN


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All Content by Scarlettz

  1. West Chester University BSN for the RN

    I graduated from the RN-to-BSN program at WCU. I will say that it wasn't a real interview. It was just as described above - going over power points and meeting 1-on-1 with one of the nursing educators. We had people in scrubs, others with slacks and ...
  2. How old were you when you started Nursing School?

    I started at age 27 and graduated from my associates program at 29 and my RN-to-BSN at 30. I think 30-35 was probably the average age of the people in my programs. However, if you are attending a school that is a 4 year university (that has dorms) yo...
  3. Finding a Job as New Grad in PA

    It can be difficult to get into West Chester's program. That is where I did my RN-to-BSN. Make sure that he applies on time for the Spring semester. Good luck to him on his interview!
  4. Career prospects in NM?

    If you apply to a compact state, it does not mean that you have multi-state privileges. I am originally from the Northeast - I went to school in PA and took my NCLEX there. I have a New Mexico license now, but only for NM. It is not transferable to N...
  5. Career prospects in NM?

    Do you have a part time job at all? I don't have alot of money- but I did have a p/t (retail) job and did decide to apply for endorsement. It is expensive- it costly me about $400.00 to get licenses in two other states. That is why I recommend pickin...
  6. Career prospects in NM?

    Are you from NM or another state? I am originally from out of state but applied to a number of facilities in the state (I did fork out the money for a NM license.) I got a call back from 2 hospitals and one nursing home - which is alot better than wh...
  7. Finding a Job as New Grad in PA

    3 months is not a very long time. I know people from my associate's program who still do not have jobs and I graduated in May 2012! I know it is frustrating and scary. But, he has to keep on applying, applying, applying. I know a couple nursing homes...
  8. City of Brotherly Love!

    I looked for a year and could not find anything with my associates (while I was also working on my BSN.) I had one interview for a nursing home - but didn't get the job. It is pretty hard - even if you have a BSN. I finally decided to look outside th...
  9. Thought I would have a job by now. Getting depressed

    Take a deep breath - and keep on trying! Two months is not very long. I finally received my first job offer after (almost exactly) one year of passing my NCLEX. While looking for a job, I just worked p/t (in a non medical setting - I couldn't find an...
  10. Finally got a job offer!

    BerryHappy, I wanted to send you a PM. But, your mailbox if full.
  11. Finally got a job offer!

    Hi everyone, I recently was offered my first nursing job for a medical/surgical unit (graduate nurse position)! I have been applying for one year (tomorrow is my one year anniversary of taking the NCLEX.) But actually, I have been searching for a hea...
  12. Finally got a job offer!

    Thank you everybody! I made a post a few weeks ago regarding some tips that have helped me through my journey. Others added on to the post with their own experience/advice. Here is a link below:
  13. I want to relocate but need a job first

    1.Do you even attempt to apply for a job if you don't have a license in that state? Yes - I have done it before. I received a call back from a hospital in ND without having a state license there. That is the only hospital to ever call me back out of ...
  14. Job outlook for new grad ADN in Albuquerque

    I think it might be harder to find a job in the ABQ area. I have applied to a few positions there and haven't received a call back. But, definitely apply if you are interested. You will probably receive more calls back from some of the lesser known c...
  15. I am not sure if California is a compact state or not. Compact states have multistate privileges - where they can practice in multiple states. From a quick search, it doesn't look like California is a compact state. You can take your NCLEX in Califor...
  16. Long Distance Interview

    I recently had two phone interviews for a RN position in hospital in the Southwest. I live in Northeast PA. They called me today and want me to come in for an on-site (peer) interview. I don't know what to do. I asked her if I could give her a call b...
  17. Thank you note question

    I would like to send a thank you letter by mail. Do you think it is better to type up a letter and personally sign it or buy a thank you card and write out my message? If I do a handwritten note, is it okay to print it or is cursive a better choice? ...
  18. Some tips that might help

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to share a piece of advice that might be helpful to you all during your search - especially if you are not great at interviews like me. 1) If given the opportunity, attend open houses or career fairs. I once attended...
  19. Some tips that might help

    Just another idea that came to mind for phone interviews. 1) Dress as if you are going to a real interview- you will feel more professional and confident 2) Do NOT walk around during the interview. I did this once and accidentally banged into a plate...
  20. Thank you letter

    Hello all, I have an interview tomorrow but the interviewer only gave me her first name over the phone. I would like to send a thank you letter to her after the interview but not sure about what is the best way to find out her full name. Should I cal...
  21. Thank you letter

    Thanks- I asked her if she had an email address in case any additional questions arise.
  22. Thank you letter

    Thanks! However, this is a phone interview so I will not be able to do so.
  23. New Grads / First Job Survey

    I am sure there are many posts on this topic, but I wanted a more in-depth understanding of the hiring process and statistics of some of the new(ish) graduates. I wanted to focus more on 2011-2012 graduates, but please feel free to complete this s...
  24. I dropped out. Please console me

    I can totally relate to this post - as I am going through the same siuation right now. Although, I am in an RN-to-BSN program. I am really trying to trudge forward, though, because I only have 7 weeks left. Like you, I am used to being an 'A' student...
  25. Switching majors to nursing & EXTREMELY nervous!

    Hey. I don't really know much about the SFU program. But, are you able to take your tougher courses during the summer session? If you can do so, I highly recommend! A&P was tough for me-- but I was able to take each course one at a time. And, I e...