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About kcgardens

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  1. ADL coding examples

    I made up some of my own examples for coding. The biggest issue has been in the alzhiemers unit and trying to get them to know the difference between moderatley impaired and severely impaired cognition. I actually did a meeting with the cnas two days...
  2. ADL coding examples

    I do that. Just seems some of the older CNAs are very resistant and stuck in there old ways which frustrates me because we lose money due to insufficiant coding. I was looking for something concrete to show them that wouldn't appear to be my opinion ...
  3. ADL coding examples

    I have recently been promoted to RAI Coordinator and am finding that a lot of staff do not really understand what they are coding. I have tried looking up coding examples and senarios online and found a whole lot of nothing. Does anyone know of a sit...