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  1. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    i'm not..they said there's still 8 nurses to be deployed before us..i think they're the ones who will be there tomorrow, sad to say i'm included in the last batch to be deployed..huhu it seems that you're not really doing fine or something is not ok...
  2. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    hi clarken, how are u doing there?:) im not yet scheduled for re-medical exam, still waiting for their call..
  3. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    wow! congrats as well :) see u there SOON..
  4. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    thanks! how about u mary? did they call u already.?:)
  5. Al Kharj Military Hospital about u maryg12? did they call u already.? :)
  6. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    atlast! arjoys called me today and said that i'm on the list..whoah! what a relief..thank God :)
  7. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    where did u get this bad comments maryg12? is it from our co-nurses working there already?
  8. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    are we really this unlucky or unfortunate of choosing al kharj????
  9. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    thanks 4 the info maryg12! :)
  10. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    hey guys! i have heard from my friend that one of those applicants who passed and qualified for al kharj and who's still waiting for her visa was called by arjoys and offered her a polyclinic hospital instead of al kharj? have u heard news like this ...
  11. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    wow..that's 2 weeks from now clarken03, have a safe trip! Goodluck & GodBless!:)
  12. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    hello everyone! :) any updates from arjoys? thanks..
  13. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    thank u for the info & updates clarken :) goodluck & Godbless on ur flight..may u have a safe trip..
  14. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    ok..i will keep u posted if there's any new infos from arjoys.. :) i really hope our names will be included in the next list that will come..
  15. Al Kharj Military Hospital

    called arjoys today..they said, less than 20 applicants now don't have hopefully for those applicants who doesn't have visa yet like me will be on the next list to get a visa by end of this month or next month.. let's keep praying..Goodluck ...