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All Content by kaysmom2

  1. I am less concerned about getting into the program and more about when I get out. I actually went through the RN job listings on a few of the hospital sites last night. Many of them said Experienced only, or PCT with a cna certification and at least...
  2. Getting into BSN program with existing BA degree.....

    I always thought when you retake a course, it removes the old grade and/or the old one is not factored in, hence the reason for retaking it to bring up your GPA. I would ask student records about that one. It may not be anything you have to worry a...
  3. Most people have to sacrifice family time especially women who were probably with their children a majority of the time. How long is the LPN program? A year or so? If that's all it's not bad, even 2 years. Some people are self employed, some work...
  4. I hear you and I understand. I know there will be crap days and my head in the cloud days. I have been through the thickest/worst of times and the best of times. I am blessed that I have been afforded an opportunity to jump in. I'm a little diffe...
  5. Northside L&D Interview

    I didn't know L&D was so popular. I'm willing to go a direction that is more exclusionary. An area that is rare or not overly saturated. I think it allows you to pick and choose.
  6. I try to steer clear of much of that negativity especially all the stuff I have been coming across regarding this field in the last few days. Sometimes people don't give you the whole story, rarely do we see what's going on the other side. Maybe he...
  7. At a crossroads need advice please

    Apply to both and then decide. Put yourself into a position of choice. Once you are accepted into both, and I say when because I don't do that if stuff. Once you are accepted i'm sure you will gravitate towards one or the other. Do you want to be...
  8. Microbiology and Lab, Psychology(online), Medical terminology (online), math statistics January 9....13 hours total.
  9. Last Friday before Spring Semester

    Up until 2 hours before they closed off registration this evening my schedule wasn't quite where I wanted it to be then bam right before I logged off i was able to get a class I needed as a pre-req. So I have all the courses I need on the right days...
  10. CNA on the job training course and employment/ GA

    I am in the Atlanta area. KC has a tight market with not much growth. I know it has been hard in GA but the Kansas City area is doesn't have very good growth opportunity.
  11. GSU Traditional Nursing (2 or 3 years)

    I have been up and through the GSU site and it is my understanding that the traditional program is 3 years and you can possibly..'possibly' finish in 2 1/2. The ACE program is 16 months. I am enrolled at GSU for Jan and hope to apply when summer c...