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All Content by BrooklynRN11201

  1. Question about Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis

    it has nothing to do with whether the acidosis or alkalosis is metabolic or respiratory or what the cause is. the lungs try to compensate immediately and then the kidneys kick in to try to compensate later if the lungs haven't acquired complete comp...
  2. priority question

    time is definitely of the essence with DTs but just because the pt has a history of DTs doesn't mean he's experiencing it currently. this is one of those questions that's not just testing you on your knowledge (you know about DTs and the treatment f...
  3. First case study and nursing dx

    4 hours of no voiding after having a foley in isn't a huge concern, but you would keep an eye on it and assess for retention for sure (also, how much was she putting out per hour before the removal? but that's just something to keep in mind). Pain a...
  4. Yay! I'm getting pinned!!

    thank you thank you! I know I don't know any of you personally, but I know you also understand the sacrifices of NS and I truly appreciate all the congrats! :) my pre reqs were a breeze for me - went into the clinical program with a 3.84 GPA... I ty...
  5. Do you remember the moment?

    I have T1 diabetes and I've always volunteered and have been passionately involved in helping others with diabetes so I had thoughts of wanting to be a nutritionist in my head. I also have an extensive history of illness when I was younger - every i...
  6. OB/Psych/Peds/Pharm

    solid advice above - I just have to second that OB is A LOT of different vocabulary - it's like its own language. it would definitely help if you brushed up on some of the OB terminology. I didn't love OB in terms of L&D and Postpartum, but tho...
  7. [Blank] Made Incredibly Easy! - book series

    I have a couple and think they're useful but have found that you STILL need to do the required reading... it's kind of like a good summary if anything. I really like the Med/Surg one. best book I've bought hands down is the big Saunders NCLEX revie...
  8. Taking NCLEX too soon?

    I was applying to an internship that was specifically for graduate nurses who were not planning on taking the NCLEX until September at the earliest (the program was somehow supposed to prepare you for the NCLEX) and everyone in the nursing program to...
  9. Attn: RN Preceptors - questions for you

    thank you all for your comments - really appreciated! I do know the Medical Director at this particular hospital and when I told him I will be in the nurse extern program this summer, he insisted that I stop by his office and sent me his profession...
  10. Any tips or tricks for pathophysiology?

    brush up on your A&P - if you have a really solid A&P base, Patho isn't so intimidating. all you have to do is remember what pathos affect what and you'll automatically know your signs and symptoms, diagnostics and general treatments/interve...
  11. Shoes for clinical rotation!

    I don't know about Danskos but I personally am about to graduate nursing school and in my two years of clinicals, I'm on my 3rd pair of shoes. I feel like it took me a while to figure out what I preferred in a shoe and I know other classmates were t...
  12. What would your answer be to this question?

    AD-PIE assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluate the first step is ALWAYS to assess.... once you know what you're dealing with, yes, airway would come first.
  13. Study tips

    there's a great app called TurboScan for all of $1.99 - it takes pictures of charts and tables that you take from the text book, and it converts them into straight easily readable versions. you can blow up, zoom, whatever you need. I usually read th...
  14. Who Can Answer this Scenario?

    definitely change in mental status - the reaction could be BECAUSE OF the suspected CVA I would agree with the Dr - implied consent, you need to act fast with CVAs I would ask the Dr for a sedative or something first.
  15. This question is killing me, please help me clarify?

    I would have picked 4 as well, if only for the sun down syndrome.
  16. I passed!

    congrats!! was this fundamentals that you just passed? I'm not saying this to discourage you at all, but keep it up with the study groups and whatnot... I got an A in fundamentals and am now really toeing the pass/fail line here in my last (Med/Sur...
  17. New York Methodist (Brooklyn) Nurse Extern

    I would advise calling - it's usually the Nursing Administration/Recruitment department. Most programs have a deadline of March, however. I can't remember if I called Methodist or not, but I applied for Woodhull and just got in. It's an 8 week pre...
  18. Old edition textbooke?

    ha! I guess that's true... I would say go for the older edition, but make sure that it's just ONE edition earlier. Say, if your Prof wants you to use Edition 8, 7 should be okay. you can always ask the Prof too... they're very familiar with this q...
  19. Weight Gain in Nursing school?!!!

    same here - well, I haven't lost or gained any weight, but I workout 4-6x a week and it really helps me manage stress as well. I do triathlons, and people are always asking me "how do you work full time, go to school part time and train so much for r...
  20. Old edition textbooke?

    usually the info is mostly the same, but the page numbers and charts and whatnot will be a little off. I would honestly just RENT - the only books you really need to buy are the Reviews & Rationales and some NCLEX books. I like a lot.
  21. How many of you...

    we take it every semester - I believe all nursing schools have to. it's more of an aptitude test reflecting the school - it shows you how well you do compared with the rest of the country overall. for us, it doesn't count towards our grade, but usu...
  22. I'm a procrastinator... Help?

    also, sign up for as many tutoring sessions your school offers as you can. hearing the same info from a bunch of different people will help you retain it. you seriously cannot get through nursing school by procrastinating because you need to RETAIN...
  23. I'm a procrastinator... Help?

    get a calendar and carefully plan out your week ahead, include 1, 2, 3 hour blocks of studying EVERY day. even if things go sour and you can only read for a half hour before bed, DO IT.
  24. Just bought my textbooks - a mini-grumbling session

    I'm graduating this semester and let me tell you something, don't waste your money on textbooks - RENT!!! I like a lot and have nothing but great experiences with them for years. The only books you should be BUYING are NCLEX question books...
  25. Recipes and snack ideas for school and clinicals

    I don't eat meat or dairy, but I'm a candy fiend! (crazy, I know)... I also have T1 diabetes, so I need to make sure to keep snacks on me at all times just in case I go low. I usually carry a Larabar on me or maybe a peanut butter Clif bar. If my ...