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About AggoDaggo

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  1. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    Good luck to all of those who have heard... Still waiting to hear something. There is no change on the SIMS page. UGH!
  2. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    I'm surprised that there aren't more people on here looking for insight into the CNL interview.
  3. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    Cool. I have some family who live in Baltimore... that extra family support couldn't hurt keep your sanity. From the way it sounds, we're going to need it.
  4. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    I currently live in Charlotte, NC but originally from Indianapolis, IN.
  5. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    I don't look forward to the quick move that I will have to go through from 8 hours away. :) but its better than the alternative. I'm finishing up 2 prereqs right now... Micro Lab and Human Growth & Development, so I can't even really begin the...
  6. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    It still says that under status... under decision, it says Committee ready. Yours?
  7. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    Yes, it changed to that on the day or shortly after they received all of my information on August 29th or 30th I think. It was definitely early on in the process.
  8. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    It does, thanks. It would help more if they called ... I check everyday to see if there is any change. Ahh the waiting for snail mail.
  9. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    Mlh, did they contact you by phone when you were accepted?
  10. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    I am for sure. Having your masters will give a distinct advantage in applying to other graduate programs. Eventually, I'd like to be either a CRNA, NP or an educator.
  11. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    I agree. Unless you botch the interview or misrepresent yourself in your resume, you're in pretty good shape to be accepted.
  12. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    My only complaint was that I really wish that the writing sample would have taken place before the interview. Maybe it was to see how you handle adverse situations. I'm glad I've had to opportunity to talk to all of you... knowing that everyone's i...
  13. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    I would give about anything to know how many people were actually interviewed. Hope the Grey Lady reads this thread... I don't have enough posts to send her a personal message.
  14. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    Oh I see. I'm sure its a very intriguing story. I wish you the best of luck! Have you been accepted to other programs or heard anything in regard to them?
  15. University of Maryland Spring 2012 CNL Applicants

    May I ask what your background was? Just curious. My interview was with Dr. Lemaire. I felt like it went pretty well. Again, I think with interviews that short, they already have a fairly good idea of what you're about. As far as plan B's, there...