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All Content by SleeepyRN

  1. How do YOU handle these situations?

    Unfortunately, they won't. We even just discussed this at our jcaho training class, and it came up. Our facility will not have these standing orders. We have to ask the provider during an admit for any standing orders. A admitted a pt a couple weeks...
  2. Drug seekers

    I can't like this enough.
  3. Drug seekers

    THANK you. Yes. We judge people. We are human. However, it doesn't mean we withhold care. We prioritize. I get annoyed on the inside, act professionally outwardly, then get it off my chest when I come home and complain to husband. Then move on. I *u...
  4. Drug seekers

    As you seem to not know the definition of priority or the difference between a higher priority and other things that must be done as well, I have uploaded the definition for you. If I have a HIGHER priority at that very moment such as my patient with...
  5. Is it true all nurses get MRSA or C-DIFF?

    Except even if you take proper precautions, that doesn't mean others will. So as you type away charting, and then rub your eyes, wonder just who might have had their dirty little fingers on the keyboard too. Same goes for counters, doorknobs..just AN...
  6. Pregnant in nursing school

    My mom had me, 5 years old, my brother, 9 years old while pregnant in nursing school and working. :-) There were many pregnant students in my program that persevered. I remember one girl, in her late 20's early 30's who already had FOUR children, wo...
  7. Looking for guidance...

    Some schools do require you to be certified first :-/
  8. Question about nursing diagnosis

    Knowledge deficit is exactly what I was thinking too. If you really think about it, it's pretty easy. KNOWledge. He does not KNOW the benefit of a wound dressing nor the downside of going without one. Patient teaching is crucial here. Your other dia...
  9. Drug seekers

    This, I believe, is the very root of the problem. I can completely understand someone using a substance to cope with certain issues/events. I'm not saying it's mentally and emotionally healthy, I just can sympathize. Then they try to stop, but too l...
  10. How do YOU handle these situations?

    If it were another time of day, I'd agree. This was one hour before change of shift, smack dab in the middle of med pass, accuchecks giving insulin.... I'd keep my assessment focused in this particular area from now on and notify MD at 6am and get ba...
  11. How do YOU handle these situations?

    One thing that has always bothered me about interpreting temps is not taking into account the route. If rectal is one of the most accurate routes, using the rubric, my patient's oral temp of 101.4 would really be a true body temp of about 102.3.
  12. How do YOU handle these situations?

    Ahhhh definitely lol.
  13. How do YOU handle these situations?

    I'm very aware of this, but thank you. I'm not concerned about sepsis as she has no s/s of such right now, I was just stating that we do care for patients recovering from sepsis as you mentioned the difference between sepsis screening and sepsis work...
  14. How do YOU handle these situations?

    What do mean asking other nurses on the unit? I didn't ask anybody at work.
  15. Drug seekers

    How aweful. I too teared up reading this. I am so so sorry.
  16. How do YOU handle these situations?

    Yep, that was half of it. I truly wasnt certain though, if it being so close to 7 if it was appropriate to call just yet. Now I know many nurses call at 6am, and that that is perfectly acceptable. The other half was anxiety about being chewed out by...
  17. How do YOU handle these situations?

    We get admits all the time coming from a brief hospital stay d/t sepsis. This particular patient is actually one of them and has had 2 piccs inserted and removed since her admit and readmit with us. I'm interested to see tomorrow if she's back on AB...
  18. why do many MAs and CNAs call themselves nurses?

    I just spit out my water that I was drinking. Ohhhh, I'm laughing so hard.
  19. How do YOU handle these situations?

    Awesome! Thank you for the list! I appreciate it :-) Since synthroid dosages are aways changing based off labs and symptoms, that makes complete sense. I honestly never thought to look for an increase in temp when synthroid was increased. Don't know...
  20. How do YOU handle these situations?

    We recently spoke of standing orders in a meeting, and apparently the reason we don't automatically have standing orders for everyone for OTC meds and some other meds is because unlike a hospital, we don't always have an MD in the building. BUT, I c...
  21. Drug seekers

    Thanks, Horseshoe. A UTI is a very good way of describing what it feels like. I daydream about having my bladder removed. When I was in nursing school, in my 20's, I thought I had made up my mind and decided I was getting a urostomy. Until one of my ...
  22. Drug seekers

    RubyVee was offering good advice for if you want your post to be read. Our brains aren't wired to read what seems like a never ending paragraph. Breaking up your post into paragraphs makes it literally easier on the eyes, and easier to follow. More p...
  23. Drug seekers

    Unimaginable. How heartbreaking
  24. Drug seekers

    Aww, thank you Farawyn. I've learned over the years to be more positive. I can actually be happy again, even with the pain. We all have challenges in our lives. This one just happens to be mine. I'm way past the "poor me" phase. My poor grandma has t...
  25. Drug seekers

    Omg. How incredibly horrific. I have no words. I wouldn't typically admit this on here, but I guess I will. I've been suicidal in the past from my chronic pain. I get no pain medication. The only treatment my urologist will do for my interstitial cy...