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All Content by SleeepyRN

  1. "My point of view, Test isn't that hard if you study a lot and particle nclex questions.I have A's and B's, but lately I been getting mostly A's,since I have been pushing myself extra hard." Say exactly that to her. If she continues to be negative...
  2. Frustrated with nursing

    That really really sucks, buuuuut.....that was technically prescribing without a license. You changed the dose. You "prescribed" a different dose and didn't notify the doctor. I'd say it's definitely grounds for revocation of a license. But, sheesh....
  3. Nurses with asthma

    No need to give up on your dream. :-) I haven't read the posts, so please excuse me if it has already been brought up. Do you know your triggers? Do you have allergies that trigger an asthmatic episode? If so, you can learn how to avoid those trigge...
  4. Edit: Clearly I didn't read other posts before responding. Forget legality even. There are places that won't hire you if you smoke cigarettes. My mom's doctor's office recent became part of a very large health care system. She had to be drug tested ...
  5. Does everybody want to be a NP?

    I had a bizarre opposite experience once. I grew up with my mom, an RN, having worked for a doctor in an office since I was a little kid. He has a large family of brothers and their wives, and they are all doctors. His own wife is a doctor too. They...
  6. Does everybody want to be a NP?

    I have worked with many NPs and have never come across that kind of attitude.
  7. Quitting without a notice

    Lol And that was when I had no other option but nursing homes. Now I'm 5 months in post acute rehab, with no plans on quitting anytime in the next year. Ive worked with my doctor (A LOT) on my crippling anxiety issues, and am doing pretty well now. ...
  8. Depressed self-referral to ED

    Now, I like that idea. The nurse's authority and ability to restrain a patient, then notify the doctor and either get an order for it or something else.
  9. Did I pass NClex? I used PVT. Haaallllp!!!!

    Ohhhh lordy
  10. Depressed self-referral to ED

    I can't... I don't.... I mean, I have no words to vocabulary fails me at the moment. How horrid. In this decade. In this country. She went to get help. Yet was humiliated, imprisoned, and suddenly set "free"....all leading to no help for ...
  11. let go during orientation, needs advice?

    It sounds like you know what you want to do. You want to resign and take the FT position at your per diem place, and it sounds like you are wanting validation. Anyway, on to my from this place, professionally, of course. Put your noti...
  12. Lost my new grad job 3 months in

    I think you need to adjust your thinking on what is an ideal orientation vs real world orientation length. Even places that promise 6 months to a year, as you have heard, don't really mean 6 to 12 full months with a preceptor. That is BEST case scena...
  13. Lost my new grad job 3 months in

    I was going to say the same thing. Ideally, 3-4 months orientation to med-surg would be great, but the real world.....not usually the case.
  14. Lost my new grad job 3 months in

    What did they expect from a new grad with these very common time management issues you stated above. That takes time. I don't get why specialty areas like ICU hire new grads then give them the boot 4 months in because they aren't fast enough yet. As ...
  15. Is being a CNA imperative?

    I thank my lucky stars that I was a CNA 1st. Before I started nursing school, I wished I had gone for phlebotomy instead Once I actually started nursing classes and was working as a patient care tech in a hospital, I was SO glad I went the CNA route...
  16. Health Insurance and PRN

    I'm not from California, but I am clueless about what to do health insurance wise. My husband's insurance went up again, now to $800 a month if I were on it. We can't afford that. I, for various reasons, can only work part time right now. The cheapes...
  17. The very fact that they changed colors to orange is proof that it happens more than we'd like to think it does.
  18. What do I do?

    I went through the same thing. I sent in the court papers, the police report and a written statement of the reason for the arrest and the outcome. I received my nursing license within a few weeks, but le gth of time to wait varies.
  19. A coworker made me so mad!

    I think this goes beyond a patient of sound mind and mental health refusing care. There is a mental health issue at play, and OP was creative enough and used therapeutic communication to actually get some blood from this patient. This doesn't sound ...
  20. Quitting without a notice

    The ADON of a job I quit with no notice ended up being the DON of a job I interviewed for. Now that was an awkward interview. Dodged a bullet at least. Couldn't STAND her.
  21. Quitting without a notice

    From somebody who HAS quit with no notice, TWICE, DON'T do it. Believe me, I know what it's like to not even feel like I can handle another day. I wish I would have sucked up the panick attacks that crippled me into quitting with no notice. Those 2 p...
  22. School Reputation

    I actually miss spoke. They had their final evaluation or whatever they do the semester I graduated. The accreditation process was still ongoing. It wasn't official til after I graduated, but before that, our instructors explained to us just what you...
  23. Accidently took home a patients' insulin!

    I promise you will laugh about how bad you feel now in a few years. I once accidently brought home a vial of vancomycin that I took from our emergency box. It turned out the patient had completed the ABT the day before, but someone had forgotten to p...
  24. How do YOU handle these situations?

    I agree with most of what you said. I have already stated that I am kicking myself for how I handled the situation. However, I would not consider waiting 1 hour to call the NP dangerous. I placed a cool compress on her, and pulled the blanket down to...
  25. Least Favorite Things Patients Say

    During shift change for NOCs, figuring out assignments and getting report from multiple nurses, takes a good 45 minutes. Well one night, immediately after I got report, I answered a call light. Immediately this completely A&O x3 pt starting screa...