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  1. Overcoming Guilt: The First Step to Self Care

    Julie....from your description and in light of your diagnosis of MS you have a more than the usual challenges to face daily. It must me more challenging than running a marathon every day to simply get through a shift at work. You were clear in your ...
  2. Overcoming Guilt: The First Step to Self Care

    Your stories are tender ones to which I'm sure many people can relate. What struck me as I read your note was that it was love that was present in the room (or even when one is not in the room). Interestingly, what I believe is the greatest component...
  3. Overcoming Guilt: The First Step to Self Care

    Hmmm....interesting....would love to learn more about your time travel reference. I agree, moving beyond guilt is a great obstacle, especially if it has been a long standing and practiced way of being. First step, is to be aware that is where one dwe...
  4. Although the profession of nursing may not be glamorous, it holds great pay-offs. In general, society looks up to and respects nurses. There are many qualities most nurses possess that make them popular and attractive to be around. The fabric of nurs...