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About ddoyle313

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  1. decision..psych or telemetry? help!

    Thank all of your for the advice!! Its very much appreciated... I have alot to consider but your input makes this much easier. Im going into the interview tomorrow to see what they have to offer and taking a day to consider my where my heart is. I de...
  2. decision..psych or telemetry? help!

    I see myself in critical care or ER.. This was honestly my dream job three months ago! Im just feeling a bit apprehensive because I feel like im letting my current manager down
  3. two jobs

    From my experience it depends on the establishment.. the hospital I used to work at would keep techs on until they got an RN job there or somewhere..the place I currently work at wont let you! Goodluckkkk
  4. Hi guys Im new to all nurses! Im looking for some opinions regarding a job decision I have to make. I graduated in June as an RN and am one month into a fulltime psych nursing position. I was just called today for an interview at the hospital my scho...