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All Content by Aubrianna

  1. Are the nurse patient ratio's that are climbing it seems like monthly, even weekly to me. Are these numbers safe? Do we have a choice or a voice? We of all people (experienced nurses not me just new grad but I like to include myself) would know when ...
  2. Hi Everyone, I am curious what it is about new grads now that such a resistance is being met. 2 years ago a new grad got out of school and got a job just about anywhere they wanted, and it all has changed like poof what happened? I am no different th...
  3. An RN is in college all day everyday when they are work assessing and caring for the patient. Not even college it should be something held to a higher status. Can I just share, I was the nursing student explaining the equipment to the residents. So, ...
  4. My husbands confused, he cant figure out how his staying in the kitchen has anything to do with my nursing career?
  5. Umm, would there be a nursing profession without woman? What a simple minded statement, please tell me that is not entering our world of nursing.
  6. Should I go for an ADN or do an LVN-BSN program?

    do the bsn, you cant go wrong. i am an adn, cant find a job and if i would have just went bsn from the darn beginning i be almost done now. i am going to enroll in the rn to bsn to try to get a job after i finish that. please dont do the adn.
  7. DNR means what???

    extention question then where i think they should not transport because of experience. 90 y.o. f transfered in from ltc facility for respiratory distress(ish), she had fluid but was handling it well wanted no procedure done. children unlocatable. hos...
  8. Thanks, I have been having hard time finding a job but I am hopeful that I will get one eventually. I love learning, and all of what you said I picked up in my clinicals and soooo many nurses have said this same thing to me. It makes me happy that I ...
  9. During my clinicals and my Internship in the ICU and CSU. I met seasoned nurses of 20 and 30 years and I got the most amazing knowledge from them. I felt like I had this special set of encyclopedias that there was only one copy of. You cannot replace...
  10. How do you cope with work and co-workers:(

    Don't interact unless needed for professional reasons. Do not give them anything that will be able to be used to stab you in the back. If someone does approach you smile, kind, don't say anything, repeat what they say if you have to say something unl...
  11. How do I file Sexual Harassment against a Dr

    Umm, why have we got past write up 1 is my question to have a write up 2 & 3. Find someone who deals with this and get them involved. One write up is all it should have ever been, no oppurtunity should exist for another write up after that. Oh, n...
  12. We all need to start taking this to the house, a felony is a felony and when someone wants to take the "nurse" to court for some dumb thing a non nurse did, its the NURSE that will be in questions. Scary.
  13. umm, i am post 271 or something so ill be impressed if this is even read but isn't this like really bad because if they are saying they are the nurse and a problem occurs with care and the "nurse" and they report the "nurse" it falls on us? that scar...
  14. why was there a 10 key anything? I'm in big trouble if I get that test, for nursing?
  15. Would you mind sharing some, I seem to be shy on it. They should do something like doctors and residencies do. A year is what everyone says it takes to begin to be comfortable in nursing. Why not have nursing residencies to solve this new graduate no...
  16. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    Sorry, did I upset you to make you give up? I never know what those letters mean, I am so behind in that kind of stuff. Sorry if I upset you in anyway. I figured by the little guys I got it, sorta. I just dont know what op meant. Anyway, I will ponde...
  17. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts about this stuff. I appreciate everyone's input, whether I agree or not. Each person brings a unique aspect to any discussion. I value everyone's insight and opinions.
  18. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    What? What is an OP?
  19. Not that I mean much because I am a newbie. We were taught not to aspirate for any injections in school, though many of our instructors where not so cool with that new policy. I never aspirate on insulin because its subQ. I the newbie have never even...
  20. Are nurse patient ratio's safe with the numbers rising away?

    Your so right. I just think that nurses are the ones doing the care and the one's who care? A nurse knows what is safe, not some person in an office. I guess your right, reality. I was actually told with the 32 patient load that even though my motiva...
  21. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    Umm, again you are totally off. I have applied to over 300 positions at 20 facilities or more and none are down the street from my house. Where did you get this stuff? I am not sitting around unemployed for a year? What is a GN? Also, I do not know ...
  22. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    Guess you should have read the whole thing because nothing about me is cocky. This post was for nurses, not student nurses who know nothing about the subject. I replied in depth.
  23. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    i am so sorry to have given you the wrong impression. how did i come off cocky? i just said what i achieved, and i do not say those things in an interview. my achievements are listed on my resume and i only speak of that when they ask me questions ab...
  24. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    Wow, I saw a position open for a prison but scares me. Me (female) male prision riot or people get control? Of course I go worse case scenerio. Glad its better now than last year, good news thanks.
  25. What is the fate of the new graduate RN?

    I have that problem. Imagine being my preceptor, oh goodness. I found a cell formation and type that I googled and I got 5 results. Can you imagine to google a topic and get 5 results. 4 were definitions. So, I would ask her stuff and she would look ...