Hi Momtofore! I'm also another recently accepted person for the fall. I was just wondering if you had to take other classes along with nursing 1, nursing 1 lab, and clincial? I have my bachelor's...
congrats to you also!! I know once I got my letter I was so excited and relieved at the same time. Now i'm running around trying to make sure I've got doctors appointments etc. Hopefully some more...
Hey nursinggirl, I know what you mean about being worried while reading the posts of those who are already in nursing schoool! I already went to an information session and i scored a 90.67 on my...
Hello Everyone! I'm a Fall 2012 hopeful and was just wondering if someone wouldn't mind answering a few questions for me. I just took the HESI and received a 90.67 overall. I got an 880 on the...
thanks! i'm doing well i really like my professor! not yet, i don't think I can register until november because i'm taking it in december...i'm hopeing this is the LAST time I have to take it. I just...
Hello! I'm not a current nursing student but I am also applying to GCC's fall 2012 program! Your HESI score is good! Mine is an 83.3% but i'm taking it again because I want to raise my chemistry...
@clovery..thanks for the response! thats good to know that they acknowledge the fact that you are enrolled in the courses. I also figured out when the spring ones are due and in that case i'd be done...
Hey guys :) I'm applying to BCC for fall 2012. I have my bachelors degree but will still have 4 prereqs to be completed when I mail in my form on Nov 1st. In the spring I'm taking a &p 2,...
yeah the HESI is tough..i wish we could re-take particular sections, not the whole test..that would make our lives much easier haha. i'm going to take it again in
@ melodyg, may i ask how many prereqs you have left to take? I'm just wondering because technically i'll have to take 4 more when I apply for the fall but in reality i'll only have 1 or 2 more because...
good luck guys!! have you known anyone whos been accepted that has 2 pre-reqs left to take? I'd probably be in that boat unless they take my quantative methods 4 credit stat class from rutgers but...
hey fitness girl, oh okay yeah i've been on that! surprisingly i didn't find out about it until the second time i took it because the first time they just printed my scores for me and didn't tell me...
hey fitness girl, what exactly is the remediation for chemistry and bio? Is it a HESI tutorting course? Well since the last time I took chemistry I've improved by 12 points and I studied a whole bunch...
Hey Birdigrl.. yeah the chemistry section has been my issue twice haha. I'm working hard to get it where it needs to be, good luck when you take it! I'm also applying to another program and they...