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About oujeepgrl

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  1. need help with test taking techniques asap..help

    Hey!! you know im having the same problem as you are but im in nursing 4 I just cant seem to answer the test.. I know the material but my test scores are not showing it. Maybe we can keep contact through emails to help each other. I do have some ...
  2. calling all nurses!!

    thank you
  3. calling all nurses!!

    just a quick little story here...im a lpn and i have been working in ccu for three years now. we get to do alot and i totally love my job, but i wanted to do more. i wanted to work the balloon pumps and recovery cabg. well im in my last semster of ...
  4. very rude fellow student

    Seems like every nursing school has one of those!! One day she'll end up eating her words;) and man let me tell you the whole class loves it
  5. Just took NCLEX

    I just bought the kaplan study guide.. It is alot cheaper than the class and it is very helpful. But I'm sure you want need it Keep us posted !! Good luck
  6. Just took NCLEX

    I just bought the kaplan study guide.. It is alot cheaper than the class and it is very helpful. But I'm sure you want need it Keep us posted !! Good luck