

School Nursing

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All Content by lvnforschool

  1. Davita Star RN Program

    I am an LVN here in CA, and am looking into a LVN position with DaVita. I was told it is 3 months of training. I am excited to be looking at real nursing VS what I am currently doing. But I am nervous about the pace. It sounds like it will be a very ...
  2. Since we are all talking about secretaries

    Awww yes! That takes me back to the year I started and the registar wasn't checking for shot records, (she thought we could get that info later) and the old attendance who is now the principal's secretary would always "forget" to tell me needed info ...
  3. Just not for me, how to resign

    I too got bored last year and tried to see what else was out there for me. OMG! It was crappy pay, wayyy harder work, and just constant ********. I ran back to my school job with open arms. It's not a job for everyone, but alot of times the grass isn...
  4. Searching for first job as a nurse (scared). Advice please!

    Good morning, I am an LVN working in Cali. As a new grad you will find it extremely difficult to even find a job. I looked for over 6 months before finally getting hired as a school LVN. EVERYONE wanted at least a year experience. How can you get any...
  5. Student with very severe eczema

    WOW Ohiobobcat! Thank goodness my daughter never had it that severe. Im sorry:cry:
  6. Student with very severe eczema

    My daughter has this, but it was only extreme in her younger years. The doctor gave us topical lotions but she said it burned so I stopped applying it. She's older now, and has occasional breakouts. She just learned to avoid certain lotions, and soap...
  7. School Nurse Left Out! Bombers!!

    I didn't dress up but my guidance councilor is dressed as Cruella De vil complete with REAL dalmatian puppy!
  8. Lvns working in clinics

    I work at a School. It is a different pace, but honestly it is a pretty easy job. So I would check into LVN jobs around your area.
  9. HUGE mistake

    I don't count OTC meds, but all others yes. The attendance clerk is my backup person, and she will sometimes forget to log in who came in for meds and I have to go back and count the pills on those days!
  10. Lonely in the office

    Welcome to the fun world of school nursing! Yes, it is a lonely and boring job sometimes. I've tried applying at other jobs just to realize my best deal is staying where I am. Chat with us as much as possible to help those days go by quicker.
  11. Are LPNs the Answer to the RN Shortage in Some Locations?

    My experience- I am a LVN in California. I graduated, and it was nearly impossible to find work. Everyone wanted a (year) experience. My first and only job, has been working for a school district in the health office. Now when I try to look for work ...
  12. What happens when the nurse is sick?

    No district nurse here, so No one to sub. The attendance clerk is my only backup. She will hand out meds/ ice packs when im not here.
  13. ROLL CALL!!! School Nurses 2017/2018

    Yes. I actually just spoke with her today for the first time since school started a MONTH ago. She is a critical care nurse, and she thought she would like to try school nursing. She is working on her School nurse credentials and hearing certificatio...
  14. ROLL CALL!!! School Nurses 2017/2018

    Hello all! Sorry I am late to the school nurse party. The first 3 weeks of school are way to busy to hang out with you fine people. My last RN (District Nurse) quit over the summer, and it sounds like the district was soooo desperate, they are trying...
  15. All in good fun?

    I have learned that this is a job with no recognition of what we really do. Kids even ask me, all you do is hand out bandaids and give icepacks. I mean I could get into the whole my license prohibits me from blah blah but it doesn't matter. I just kn...
  16. dumb staff

    Im sorry, but I had a really dumb lady in my office yesterday. She showed up in my office about 10 minutes before she was scheduled to do lunch duty. Ive never met her before, but she asked me if I could "clear" her to work because she thought she ha...
  17. Advice needed

    Oh yes! I am an LVN and even though I am a Nurse, I never call myself a "School Nurse' just because I know my role. It drives me CRAZY that the health aid at the other school is always referred to as Nurse. I try to correct it but no one cares. I act...
  18. Common words use by school nurse

    YES, YES, YES!! PASS what's up with you? Call home or rest? Go to class or parent picks their butt up. DONE! LOL
  19. dumb staff

    People hear the word NURSE and just assume we can do anything we want. I am human like everyone else, and I am sorry I don't know everything just because I work in a medical field. Thank you guys for your input/comments. It really makes me feel bette...
  20. I just can't!

    I feel your pain! Keep hanging in there = )
  21. Not my problem!

    I love it when the teacher tells me kiddo is not doing their work, and they are sending them to me. HUH? Sounds like a discipline problem if they dont want to do their work, not a NURSING issue. Of course kiddo is going to say they will go to the nur...
  22. RN left our school; Now what?

    I had a similiar experience except the RN left right after I started my first LVN job EVER! I had to buck up and tell my Principle, sorry Not my scope of practice to do IEP's. They were not happy and started to work on getting contract RN. I was luck...
  23. "the nurse"

    Nurse is fine with me. Staff will call over the walkie and say my First name usually. I am the only Nurse, but I do laugh occasionally when on Fridays I wear my casual clothes and kids will say, but the Nurse isn't here, or in her office, while I am ...
  24. A little vent about contributing to office occasions

    When I first started I was overlooked for alot of things. I would try not to get upset when I would see everyone gathering with plates of food in the lounge, and I was never even asked to join. Then something changed. People left and new staff came i...
  25. Creeped out

    Our charting system at school has the ability to let staff see the students full school records. I had a student that got in trouble and was visiting me to make sure he was okay after fighting. I wanted to check on his discipline record, so I opened ...