
idialyze BSN, RN


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All Content by idialyze

  1. Would You Be Willing to do This?

    I feel ya. Sounds like you're done, I don't blame you a bit. Save yourself and get out now. Good luck with the hospice interviews! Sending good thoughts your way!
  2. Would You Be Willing to do This?

    I have been in your shoes as an acute dialysis nurse, I started in chronic and stayed for 10 years. I was offered an acute position making a LOT more money, but it almost killed me! I had HBP and I swear it brought on early menopause! I now work in a...
  3. To cut or not to cut?

    A very elderly woman was admitted to my unit once. She had a doctor's orders to cut her hair due to a severe lice infestation, I still itch thinking about it many years after!
  4. What makes a COB crusty?

    You haven't lived until the day you're racing to ICU with a patient that just coded, and the glass IV bottle is shattered by the low door height as you go through it! I don't fondly recall the days we checked urine with a dipstick. Our MD's smoked in...
  5. Pearson Vue: Bullies?

    Oh yes, back in the olden days we went to the state capitol for 2 days of testing with paper and #2 pencils! We then had to wait 6-8weeks to get the results! If it was a passing score, the letter was small, if you failed, they sent you a new applicat...
  6. bully

    It just sounds stupid to me, but I am also old, and cranky!
  7. BP Cuff

    Oops Good! Darn you autocorrect!
  8. BP Cuff

    I think you need to know how to take a manual BP, even with all the elictronic ones at our disposal. A god one can be found at Walmart for$20.
  9. I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying over here ya'll! I think I just lost a contact!!! LOLOLZ
  10. opinions on a nurse/patient interaction

    I was once the director of an in-hospital dialysis unit. We were on a contract with the hospital, provided our own staff, etc. to complete in-house dialysis treatments. We were not employed by the hospital, but had interaction with their management. ...
  11. Using peracetic acid near patients

    Our R/O stays on all the time in my chronic unit, never had a flood. (knocks on wood)
  12. Hand care

    GermX has a hand gel with aloe, I've used it for years. Gold Bond Ultimate Hand sanitizer is a lotion, it rocks as well!
  13. Practical scrub color in Dialysis...

    Light colored CHEAP scrubs to begin with, because you will be exposed to bleach, esp. in a chronic unit. At my clinic the nurses bleach the machines and the bicarb delivery system. You don't want to toss a set of $40 scrubs the first week! Good luck,...
  14. A Word To The Wise.........

    This guy is really getting tiresome, I've read his rants for years, and am truly greatful I have never had to care for him.
  15. Fully drain distended bladder?

    I was taught years ago, that draining that much urine at once would cause hypotension due to the rapid refill of the capillary bed in the abdomen.
  16. Trouble with relating medical dx to nursing dx

    Wouldn't think sending a known IV drug abuser home with a PICC would be a good idea!
  17. Grammar Police

    Never really thought about text-speak, but if I see a lot of misspellings, and poor grammer in a written note or on Allnurses, I cringe!
  18. I would think that it would not be legal?
  19. Nail and skin care

    Gold Bond Ultimate Hand Sanitizer Moisturizer! Not too greasy, and really helps!
  20. Is this a common attendace policy?

    That is the most heartless thing I have ever heard! Please extend my condolences to your friend during the awful time. And Nursing is supposed to be The Caring Profession, this makes me sick to my stomach!
  21. Your first experience with a dead person

    It was my very first day of clinicals. I had visited the patient the night before to let her know I would be her student nurse in the am and to gather my info from the chart. She was very ill,ovarian cancer, and was unresponsive. I spoke with her sit...
  22. Machine requires SEVERAL rinses after bleaching

    If the acid or bicarb lines aren't firmly plugged in on the front of the machine, it won't rinse clear! Change the o-rings also!
  23. To those who like their nursing job....

    I love my chronic dialysis job, I've done dialysis 20 years now, and I can't imagine doing anything else. My clinic is owned by a hospital, rather then one of the 2 big dialysis conglomerates, and this makes it a lot easier to work at. I love seeing ...
  24. Foundation Medical Staffing advice

    I worked for Foundation for 4 years, I got good assignments for the most part. I let them find my housing and was usually well pleased,I requested a different place to stay a couple of times, and they would change it. It's true it depends on your rec...
  25. Question about acid baths

    Yes, please be extremely careful to use the correct bath, in a patient with an elevated K, a 3K bath won't bring the K down enough to be safe. Elevated K can lead to lethal cardiac arrythmias!