
idialyze BSN, RN


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All Content by idialyze

  1. stinky patient pet peeve

    And who do you expect to do this for you after become a nurse? Many areas of practice are total care.
  2. What's your go to outfit after work?

    Yoga pants, a tank top, t-shirt, or sweat shirt depending on the temperature.Gotta stay decent to walk the dog!
  3. Solutions for Acutes?

    Unfortunately, the Big Guns in dialysis have no such hour limits, I worked a 22 hour shift once. Now it's ONLY chronic for this Old Bat!
  4. Therapeutic Oils in hospital

    Interesting about the peppermint oil and urination, I've never heard that. Not much call for that in my Dialysis Unit!
  5. Our policy states to get the flu shot, or wear a mask, or you will not be put on the schedule until you comply. You have a choice!
  6. Nursing Student Question

    If you think that is bullying, you will need a Much thicker skin to make it through nursing school!
  7. NETY - Not A Myth

  8. Esme Needs Your Prayers and Well Wishes

    Prayers sent for a quick recovery, Esme! Don't scare the nurses too much!
  9. Dallas- Ebola

    Dude, I didn't realize you were a dialysis specialist!
  10. Dallas- Ebola

    I received the email from my old travel agency, the largest travel dialysis company, not Facebook!
  11. Dallas- Ebola

    The patient from Liberia was on dialysis.
  12. Ebola - do you have the right to walk away?

    Bleach internally,blood does not come in contact with internal machine parts. A higher level of disinfectant is available if needed if the machine had positive cultures. If I had to use a machine on an Evola patient, I would trash it before ever u...
  13. Dallas- Ebola

    Yup! Got an email from my old travel agency needing 6 Acute Dialysis RNs ASAP! I deleted that so fast, my keyboard was smoking!
  14. Ebola - do you have the right to walk away?

    As I posted yesterday on another thread, I am a Dialysis RN, and I could not, in good faith, refuse to care for an Ebola patient, I would demand a full HazMat get up, and invite some of the CEO's and others who claim it is safe, to join me in the roo...
  15. Are state benefits really all it's cracked up to be?

    My sister works for a state agency, and would never leave due to excellent health insurance, etc. She loves having all the state and federal holidays off! She's in HR, not a nurse.
  16. "Houston we have a problem" This just got very real

    Since I am a Dialysis Nurse, I have thought about this a lot. I know I could not refuse to dialyze this man, but I Would request a HasMat suit and invite the "Talking Heads" to join me in the room. Since administrators think they are doing enough to...
  17. Are physicians that thick?

    I personally have always imagined them to be sitting on the commode with their pants around their ankles, i have even giggled about it, and that makes them madder!
  18. Being married to a nurse...

    I've gotten up looking for machines that are alarming,don't talk in my sleep. My husband, on the other hand, will wake me up speaking in Hebrew, I ask him to repeat in English but he never does! LOL!
  19. SO much anxiety I don't want to go back

    Give it a little time. As discussed above, if you ditch this now, you could be liable for some megadollars to pay back to the agency! I was always a little nervous beginning a new assignment when I traveled, but look at it this way, you only have to ...
  20. Renal status?
  21. I had just bought my first new house, I needed a ceiling fan hung. A co-worker's husband was an electrician, she offered his services to hang the fan. Like a loon. I accepted her offer. He fell though the ceiling landing on my brand new couch and cof...
  22. Would You Be Willing to do This?

    Great news! Congrats!
  23. Kodak Moments - Just When You Think You've Seen it All

    Thanks! I think I've earned it.
  24. Kodak Moments - Just When You Think You've Seen it All

    Guess I was meant to be a nurse since I finished that day, finished school, passed boards on first attempt, and have been an RN for 32 years!
  25. Kodak Moments - Just When You Think You've Seen it All

    My first Kodak moment was my very first day of clinicals and my very first patient. I took her temperature. She was dead. It all went downhill after that, LOL!