
idialyze BSN, RN


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All Content by idialyze

  1. What is the strangest thing...

    Thanks RubyVee, We never found them and nobody else ever confessed! Odd question from Kooky Korky. Guess we could have called the Popo, LOL!!
  2. Brian Short News

    I heard the news today about an entire family found dead in their home, said a quiet prayer for a tortured soul/souls. When I logged on to Allnurses later, I discovered who it was. I am not usually a frequent poster, but I'm usually here every day....
  3. What ever happened to these posters

    The one poster I really miss is cheesepotato, she was so funny, but one day, just stopped. I really loved her writing style.
  4. What is the strangest thing...

    Had a patient in a chronic dialysis unit steal her own blood cultures! She was very lethargic on this particular day, and had a low grade temperature. We had a feeling she was smoking weed, and was always anxious when we drew any labs. Her chair was...
  5. Nurse Slang Yo!

    Propofol-Michael Jackson Milk!
  6. Mormon culture

    You have been sorely missed í ½í¸³ Please post more when you are able[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]
  7. What would you do if this was your patient?

    This is ridiculous! The staff ALL need to follow Drs orders when putting patient on the machine. If his prescribed time is 3 hrs, he must be set for 3 hrs! Then, if he wants to sign off AMA, it won't reflect badly on the staff. The other issue is tha...
  8. COB rollcall

    I feel really old now! BSN 1982, Nursing Tech 1979
  9. Denying Death As A Society

    As a former Acute Dialysis Nurse, I performed treatments on patients that were literally brain-dead, because the family wouldn't let go. It was very difficult for me. as I knew there was no saving these patients. I now only do chronic outpatient dial...
  10. HD catheters - dressing or no?

    At my clinic we use Alcavis to clean and soak connections and Except for site care. We have a small pt census, but haven't had a catheter infection in 4 years. Anyone else use this technique, what are your infection rates?
  11. Esme welcome back!!!!

    So glad you are back and feeling better! Your voice of wisdom has been sorely needed for some of the latest posters! Eager to read stories of your adventures!!
  12. Esme Needs Your Prayers

    So glad to see you back! You have been missed by many!
  13. Verbal Contract

    This very thing happened to me while traveling. I had been working for 1 company for some time, another company asked me about taking an assignment with them. It was an assignment that I had worked before. I said I would think about it and let them...
  14. New Grad - Ain't he special!

    Bye Baby Bye!
  15. Exhausted Med-Surg Nurse

    I crawled out of my cardiac step-down unit 22 years ago,I didn't even want to be a nurse any more! Found a dialysis job, and never looked back! After a couple of years of experience, you can travel again. I hope you find your perfect fit soon! Best ...
  16. Favorite/helpful AN phrases...

    Is this the hill you want to die on?
  17. Esme Needs Your Prayers

    Prayers for a quick healing for you Esme! You ARE Allnurses!
  18. Mean Nursing Instructor

    I remember back in the dark age when I was in school, our instructor made us a show her our bandage scissors. No one was brave enough to comment about her black bra and panties that were clearly visible under her white uniforme
  19. not enough hours, and not enough pay

    When I was traveling, all my contracts had a minimum of 36-40 hrs guaranteed. If I didn't work that many hours In a week, I was still paid my garanteed minimum hours. I quit traveling 5 years ago, do they not do this anymore?
  20. Pain Seekers

    Just curious about something. Your profile says you are Pre Nursing? How are you giving nursing care?
  21. Has anyone mistaken you for a punching bag at work?

    I once managed a dialysis unit, a mentally ill patient knocked a nurse down. He was discharged on the spot. Since the dialysis community is a small one, word got around and no other clinic would admit him. It was sad really, but the management took s...
  22. Hemopurifier- have you heard of it?

    Way cool!
  23. Felt pretty proud of myself!

    You ROCK!!
  24. TV ad has no one from my hospital

    That happened to me. I was on a 12 ft tall poster they used at job fairs, and continued using it for quite some time after I was fired.
  25. stinky patient pet peeve

    I think my head is about to explode.