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All Content by nursejas_1188

  1. CGFNS-CVS New York process ?

    Hi not sure if there are any changes but when i went through my process i included my license from the PH. Unless you are not licensed in the philippines then maybe you could give them an explanation
  2. I have seen alot of members who are asking for a STEP BY STEP guide on how to apply for a New York License most of them are experiencing the problem i have experienced before. I took up the NCLEX-RN last February 09, 2011 for the CALIFORNIA STATE BO...
  3. thank you rnfrancis " however, we are required to send the FORM 3, so is not right to just write REGISTERED NURSE - CALIFORNIA? you need to be registered first before stating that you are a registered nurse in California-- basically what you have is ...
  4. yes you are correct @rncoco :)
  5. thank you :)
  6. Hi just want you all to know that after one year of waiting I finally got my name on NYSED's web!!!
  7. Student nurse in australia

    i agree it is... i was referring to an apartment in Sydney.. checked apartments in liverpool and winston hills cheapest i got was 390 a week... ..
  8. Student nurse in australia

    hello jhae ive been to australia just this year as a tourist... i must say australia is a nice place to work as a nurse however just to answer you question a 20 hour/week work will not be sufficient for you to pay everything... rents are paid usuall...
  9. @markosmea am afraid there is none, should there be such graduates from the Philippines wont be qualified, it has always been like that hehehe... best of luck!!!!
  10. @jenxx congratulations on passing the NLE in my own personal opinion its 10x harder than nclex, so am sure ud be able to pass it!! :) well for one NY doesnt need ssn... hmmm texas doesnt need one either, am not sure if virginia requires ssn.. but ple...
  11. hello jenxx i suggest you believe what the site informs you 1.) because they are the source of information, 2.) some agencies in my opinion are just plainly after the profit... :)
  12. \hello markosmea :) thank you for the compliment its also nice to be of help to others, why make the world difficult when you can share something right :) 1.) that question got me wondering as well, heres how i did it... i emailed nysed and they tol...
  13. hello michaelRN14!!! :) 1. sad to say but unfortunately they will not issue any license not unless you would be able to submit a social security number... it has always been like that from time immemorial, you must be asking "why would they even bot...
  14. CGFNS-CVS New York process ?

    i suggest you check on this thread California NCLEX-RN passer w/o SSN wanting to apply for NY license:STEP BY STEP same procedure applies except for the license verification
  15. 1.silverdragon is right as long as it says SSN that should do it.. however you can only get one if you're in the states i have contacted the US embassy and clarified it since i have read that a specific department can issue ssn here in the Philippine...
  16. hello :) 1.well according to my friend who had undergone CVS first.. then VISA SCREEN she said she did not have to request/monitor for new set of tor since CGFNS already has records of it but this is of course according to her. i can not speak on be...
  17. hello sadtrickresult! welcome! my friend i am very glad that i was able to give you the information u need :) here are my answers to your question 1.) yes i have done all of those things that were mentioned above 2.) however the process per se is no...
  18. your point taken however i took the California state board NCLEX-RN because everyone was waiting for me to do so.. in the PHILIPPINES once you have passed the local boards you are more of expected to brave the US board exams, just for the heck of i...
  19. hello kinsella sorry just now regarding infection control training in form 1.. what is your question? :).. if your refering to the choices just tick on the option that has something to do with the school where you took the online course will send it ...
  20. sorry just now--CVS stands for CREDENTIALS VERIFICATION SERVICES for NY :)
  21. hello again!! i know.. thats what ive been doing but i was in a state of shock when i found out that it is not prc's fault i know some friends who have undergone same procedure and prc was the first one to send all appropriate documents requested the...
  22. your welcome!!! glad to know that i was able to help you.. if i may ask when have u started the process for CVS? :)
  23. NCLEX License Endorsement

    @Nguyenthi baoloan hope its not too late... i just want to share this with you... my friend who is now in VA will be taking up NCLEX-RN exam for the NY state like you she does not carry a PH-RN license.. so i guess you can try applying for NY as well...
  24. NCLEX License Endorsement

    i hope its not to late but i think the agency he/she is referring to would be NEAC :)
  25. CGFNS CVS Help, Ready for Review Status

    @claudi hello..:) CGFNS really takes to much time in assessing applications.. i started my application for CVS last June 02 2011, ive passed the nclex-rn exam for California State but since California is requiring a SSN which apparently i can not pro...