

LTC, Medical, Telemetry

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All Content by PunkBenRN

  1. Help, am I overreacting or is this normal???

    Check with your state board, but its my understanding that you work at your highest licence - you can't work as a CNA. You can work as an RN that floats and performs CNA duties, but you are still an RN. They can't call you anything else. And do not l...
  2. meds never to be given IVP

    I'm sorry to hear that Phenergan and Ativan NEED to be diluted before pushing. Its like sludge to begin with, and it burns! When in doubt, just dilute it!
  3. meds never to be given IVP

    Unless peforming lethal injection
  4. Question for those who do frequent tube feedings

    Don't do that. That is lazy nursing and defeats the purpose of the flush entirely.
  5. new grad starting on med-surg unit

    Keep this in mind - you are fresh out of school. You're equipped with fresh knowledge, and may find yourself knowing a lot more than you think. There is the initial aura that because nurse's will have been on the floor longer than you, they will know...
  6. Advice to the LTC nurse...

    I worked in LTC for 2 years prior my hospital job, so I think I can offer insight on both sides. To ER nurses: Please understand that LTC is a very over-regulated business. There are watchdog groups, family, insurance companies, and regulatory commit...
  7. My Nursing Career In Six Words

    I dedicate this ones to all of my friends who aren't nurses: No, I don't just wipe asses
  8. The dumbest thing you've ever heard...

    I have to add this story, I couldn't find a more appropriate spot to put it, so here it goes This was a few years ago during clinical rotations in my last semester of class. I was taking care of a 45 year old quadraplegic pt who had a severe motorcy...
  9. Question for those who do frequent tube feedings

    Whoa Whoa Whoa Flushes are just that; flushes. You don't run them over an hourly rate, you flush to gravity. You don't push a flush (too much PSI in a clogged tube can dislodge it), you open up your syringe and just pour in 30 cc and let it flow in w...
  10. Dehydration and PEG tubes

    I've had a lot of experience with PEG tubes over the past few years, and here is a general rule of thumb: Dehydration isn't usually the concern, its OVER-hydration that you have to be careful with. With the continuous fluid going in and flushes betwe...
  11. Flu Shot Clinic Question

    I've done one flu shot clinic (back during the H1N1 scare when everyone wanted one), and I can tell you its not nearly as overwhelming when you are actually doing it. It may sound like a lot, but it all boils down to this: Manufacturer Lot # Exp Date...
  12. Completely inappropriate. I think that was the best course of action for all involved; the nursing student should have taken patient privacy much more seriously (even if the patient WASN'T in the shot, it still would have been wrong), and more import...