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All Content by Djsage13

  1. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    You're grades are good so I'm sure a&p won't matter. I just hope we find out before may 14th. That's when my money for Harford is due.
  2. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Oh I'm definitely checking my account for the seat fee. Hopefully that trick still works. Lauri, are you taking classes this semester?
  3. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Thanks Lauri about Harford. I am very excited about that because it takes the pressure off of getting into CCBC. I prefer CCBC over HCC but at least I know no matter what I am in nursing school. Congrats rngraduate for getting into BCCC. So is that y...
  4. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    Dream 2013...Can you explain more on why it would be in county with the nursing workforce shortage program? Barb..I am right off of Pinedale. We should grab a coffee sometime soon.
  5. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants did you receive your postcard. I am sure you'll be receiving it soon. I heard the Catonsville program is really good. I have a friend in there now that absolutely loves the instructors! Good luck to you and to all of us waiting. Almost th...
  6. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    I got the letter too!!!!! Having the official word and seeing that Congratulations!!! makes it feel so good. I signed up for my CPR yesterday. I am doing it at the Baltimore Fire Academy. Only $25! I can't wait to get the packet and see what we need ...
  7. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    I applied for fall e/w too at CCBC. Did you do e/w also? Which one will you do if you get into CCBC?
  8. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    I was at the Essex campus. Did you only apply to Harford?Are you a med tech. That helps tremendously with clinicals.
  9. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    What do you do at Hopkins? What is the type of CPR do we need? I oil allMy pre reqs at CCBC. What about you?
  10. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    Where did you do CPR? I was waiting to get the packet to get the exact details of which one I can take. I want to do a bachelors program first but they're all during the day and I need to work so I couldn't do it. But who knows what'll happen once I ...
  11. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    I haven't received my packet yet either. She said end of march and since it's spring break there now I'm assuming we'll get it next week. As far as pre reqs I have chemistry and nutrition left. I'd like to get my bachelors ASAP as well. I'd like to d...
  12. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    Hey Barb...have you received your packet yet?
  13. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    Hi Barb! We definitely will have to be troopers. But from what my friend said, the people that will be in the program with us will be like family and the faculty is amazing with being there for help when you need it. It's gonna be hard but definitely...
  14. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    Newbarb, so what is your name? I'm Greg. I hear ya about it being completely worth not having a social life. It's a small price to pay for such a large reward. About working, I was really nervous about the whole not working full time conversation as ...
  15. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Man I typed a response and it got deleted. So here goes again. I was saying that I hated those damn teas. I think it's ridiculous that we have to take them. I mean we have to take the classes that are covered by the teas as pre reqs so our grades sho...
  16. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Well I wish you the best on all your applications. You'll definitely have to keep us notified whenever you find out. Hopefully you'll hear about BCCC really soon. I know this wait for CCBC is killing me. That's great that the TEAS for cop pin is good...
  17. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Thanks. It is a relief to have at least one confirmation. So when do you find out about the others? I hated those damn teas. Think it's crap we need to take it. So what is your first choice?
  18. Harford Community College Nursing Students

    Congrats!!! It's very exciting isn't it. Can't believe we heard back so early. They said we'll get out packets end of May. Are you ready to not have a social life! Lol
  19. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    The drive is a ***** to Harford but it's a great back up. CCBC says beginning of may so hopefully that'll be will be the case. I am unsure of the logistics and seat fee etc. I just found out Friday and the woman called me. I get my packet in the mail...
  20. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Thank you. I definitely wanna do CCBC over Harford. I'm hopin that I'm solid enough to get into CCBC. I shoud definitely be but you can never be too confident. So I'm right there with you about the wait. It sucks. But the deadline is Thursday so not ...
  21. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    So where did you sit in micro? As far as your classes you'll be fine with not having those classes completed as long as your GPA is solid or have a really good teas score. I believe it's all a point system so the more points you have the better you'r...
  22. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    The whole waiting process blows. But what can you do. At least it's March though. Not too much longer. It would be great if I got into both programs...that would be ideal. We shall see. HCC only accepts 20 students and considering I didn't take my pr...
  23. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Several of us called about seeing our application online and they told us that it was a glitch. So I guess you're in the same boat as us that we will just have to wait for the letters to come out in may to see if we're in or not. In the past you coul...
  24. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    Is psych 104 human growth and development? Which math did you take?Question, can you view your application status online? Some of us who applied really can't view it.
  25. CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

    It is a really competitive program but your grades are good. And with having such a high teas score that really helps. So what are you taking this semester?