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All Content by landonsles

  1. Delivery tables

    Our techs set up our delivery tables in the OR (they gown/mask/sterile glove to do so), and then cover them with a cover that is included in the pre-packaged vag del kit. The tables are then kept in our sterile supply room until we need them. Once ...
  2. Getting called off

    I never thought when I became a nurse that I would have to pretty much fight for my hours...drives me crazy. Because of the way the nurses on my unit are scheduled and the feast or famine nature of L&D, there have been times that, as a full time...
  3. Birthing plan for a scheduled c-section?

    Interesting...I have never seen that before. I am wondering if maybe she wanted a little control over a situation where she felt she would have none. KWIM? Eight weeks ago, I had my fourth baby via primary c/s for breech presentation. I felt like I ...
  4. L&D nurses? Are you all for natural births?

    No--you don't look like the ***** who swatted at her nurse...LOL. Your nurse should've respected you and backed off. It's pretty sad when nurses get so wrapped up in tasks/interventions (and, unfortunately charting to CYA) that they forget their pa...
  5. L&D nurses? Are you all for natural births?

    I don't care if a woman is in the throes of nurse deserves to be "swatted at" or kicked for doing his/her job. That being said, I do prepare my pts for whatever task I am about to do and will (usually--unless baby is in trouble) wait for ...
  6. Would you give birth at the hospital where you work?

    I'm going to sound like the poster above me...LOL I will be delivering on my unit in October, too. And this will be my third on this particular unit. My youngest two were delivered there before I worked on that unit; I loved the care I rec'd, so dec...
  7. They sent us a 1 week postpartum pt...we do openhearts!

    If mom has been d/c'd from hospital already, then she goes to ICU. If she has not yet left hospital, then she comes back to us on L&D.
  8. Co-worker hitting up the Dr.s for meds during shift?

    The only time I have ever gotten a script while at work was from my own OB. And she offered it b/c I asked her opinion on which OTC med was better for acid reflux. She said that a RX was better and pulled out the RX pad before I could blink. She h...
  9. new to l&d...question???

    I always tell them (before we start pushing) that they need to take a big breath like they're going under water, to hold it, and then to push like they are "pooping a watermelon." (OK--it depends upon my rapport with my pt as to whether I tell her t...
  10. Saddest I've ever been at work

    I had the exact same situation a few weeks ago...down to the gestational age, feet first, all that etc, etc. I had just found out the week before that I am pregnant again, so needless to say, it was a highly emotional day for us all. To the OP, I hat...
  11. who the heck are you...

    We have badges with our pics, name, and title. Nurses also have a plastic tag that sits behind our badge that states "RN" in big white letters against a blue background or "LVN" in big blue letters against a white background. It hangs far enough d...
  12. This is from when I worked at a very small dental office---I had a pt "Mrs. X" who, at the beginning of her appt, told us all (including the dentist) how at her last dental office, she had the cops called on her b/c she had pitched such a fit when it...
  13. New Grad to Delay working

    I did sorta the same thing. I graduated in May 2006, but did not start my first RN job until Nov 2006. (I had a baby that June.) I completed a three month internship, the same as the two GN's who were hired shortly after I was. It doesn't matter that...
  14. failed a check off...

    I failed the Foley check off when I was in NS, and now I put in Foley's all the time..LOL Just practice, practice, practice, and you'll do fine on your redo!
  15. on-call practices and compensation

    We have mandatory call that varies each schedule, depending on our staffing. Last month it was 12hrs, this month it's 8. We get $0.50 for each hour on call that we are not called in, and time and a half for the hours we are called in.
  16. How smart are you?

    I graduated #11 out of 550 people in high school. Would have graduated in the top 10 if I wouldn't have "slacked off" my last year. I graduated nursing school with a 4.0, and was valedictorian. I thought nursing school was pretty easy. I didn't have ...
  17. Any Info on Grayson or NCTC?

    I graduated from NCTC the semester after TCDTX did. I have heard horror stories about her 1st semester, but they removed the teacher who was causing all the commotion from 1st semester. My first semester was pretty easy compared to hers. Her class ...
  18. L&D IV starts: Staff or IV team?

    We do our own IV's, as well as lab draws. But we cannot get our labs from IV site--for some reason the cannulas we use cause the labs to hemolyse. (Or so I have been told, and it really seems to be the case, b/c lab calls about every sample drawn f...
  19. Frustrated! 6 year old will NOT allow exams!

    I worked in a dental office for many years, and one thing I noticed was that kids picked up on the fears of the parents and did MUCH better if they went in to the exam room by themselves. Even my own son, who has known our dentist and hygienist since...
  20. Affectionate terms

    That is so sad...wonder what happened to spark that rule?
  21. I am starting my first new nurse job on Tuesday (12 hr shifts). I breastfeed my five month old son exclusively. How hard is it to maintain milk supply while being away from baby for 13 hrs, three days a week? Also, how realistic is it to think tha...
  22. Suzannes 6wk plan, feedback from those who took it

    To answer the original poster's question: I did Suzanne's six week program, and I passed the NCLEX on my first try with 75 questions. I would highly recommend it to everyone!!
  23. Physical Assessment

    I attended an ADN program, and we also had a separate assessment class with a lab--and it was an entire semester. So it is not necessarily an ADN vs BSN thing--it's a "where you're going to school" thing. :wink2:
  24. Am I too old?

    Sorry--I had to laugh. I saw your title--"am I too old?" and then saw your age...I hope you're not too old b/c I am a few years older than you and I didn't think I was old yet!!! :roll :roll
  25. Pregnant while in nursing school.

    I could have written Mermette's post--I, too, was PG during my final two semesters. I managed to graduate Valedictorian and pass my boards just a few weeks before son #3 was born. So, it can be done--where there's a will, there's a way. Btw--Congratu...