
Opera2Nursing BSN, RN

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All Content by Opera2Nursing

  1. CSULB Spring 2021

    I haven't gotten anything, either.
  2. CSULB Spring 2021

    Possibly awkward question, but I'm just curious, has anyone heard anything about the likelihood of receiving scholarships/grants from CSULB? If I'm admitted, I'm hoping to receive more than just loans... haven't seen much on the message boards for p...
  3. Nothing. ? Am expecting to hear from some of my other applications in the next few weeks, so I’m starting to feel impatient, LOL.
  4. CSULB Spring 2021

    I’m nervous too!! I feel like my communication skills are better in writing than in person... I always feel so awkward, LOL. I am sometimes a nervous talker ?
  5. CSULB Spring 2021

    One other thing. Looks like in most years they send out acceptances by November 1!! Getting down to the wire... good luck everyone! We’re almost there! ?
  6. Has anyone heard anything yet??
  7. CSULB Spring 2021

    In years past, from what I’ve read, they’ve had a one-on-one communication exercise with a partner, as well as a group exercise. No idea how that’s going to translate to Zoom, unless they send us into breakout rooms with a proctor...? I still h...
  8. CSULB Spring 2021

    I got mine too! Also signed up for 9am. I just put my name - no email.
  9. CSULB Spring 2021

    @hansbuchan I think it happens after you accept. I seem to recall that they do their best to accommodate students' needs, though, if that's any consolation.
  10. CSULB Spring 2021

    @jngyn6 I just got the same email the other day. I think it takes them a few days to process transcripts. If you still haven't gotten yours, maybe request an application status update to see if they're missing anything.
  11. CSULB Spring 2021

    You definitely have to do the communication exercise. When you say "supplemental application", do you mean the nursing school application, or the one for transfers? You DO have to do the Nursing School one, not the one for transfers.
  12. CSULB Spring 2021

    Just submitted to Cal State Apply! Also took the TEAS on Thursday... good luck everyone!!
  13. UCLA MECN 2021

    @kvt1013 - Yes, thank you so much for all of this Thank you for breaking it all down for us. All the best for this fall, and I’ll be watching for new posts! ?
  14. CSULB Spring 2021

    I actually made a mistake... it's in the "Program Materials" section of the CalState Apply application. They ask you to enter your TEAS score, then below that the information on your prereqs. There are text boxes and you're supposed to put it all on...
  15. CSULB Spring 2021

    Question for you guys on the Nursing application. How did you write out your science prerequisites if you didn’t take them at CSULB? All mine are from SMC so I am planning to indicate that like this: “SMC: ANATMY1, Human Anatomy, Summer 2019, A” or...
  16. UCLA MECN 2021

    Yes! I’m registered for the one on the 18th. Just curious, will anyone be applying to other schools? I have CSULB and CSUN on my list. CSULA’s prerequisite list is LONG, so I won’t be ready to apply there this year... maybe next year (if I don’t go...
  17. UCLA MECN 2021

    Following! I'm actually not sure if I'm going to apply or not, though... I was all set to start volunteering at Cedars and then COVID happened ? so I am behind the 8 ball there. But they are opening up the volunteer program again, so maybe by the t...
  18. I applied over the weekend! but OMG SMC hasn't sent my transcripts yet ? Good luck everyone!!
  19. CSULB Spring 2021

    I had that problem too!! Just heard back from Cedars though... looks like they are reopening their volunteer program, yay! As for applications, I'm applying to CSULB, CSUN, and (mayyyybe) UCLA. Second degree seeker here, too!
  20. CSULB Spring 2021

    I'm applying, too!! I'm still in the middle of Summer classes at SMC - next week is the last week of classes but I expect to have a 4.0 in sciences, 4.0 in GE. Not taking my TEAS till August 7 - will post my stats once I have them. ? Good luck ev...
  21. CSULB FALL 2020

    Great!! Thank you so much.
  22. CSULB FALL 2020

    Hi, everyone! Quick question, only because I can't seem to find the answer anywhere... Does CSULB require letters/forms of recommendation? I'm preparing to apply in the fall for Spring 2021 admission and would like to give my recommenders the head...
  23. I don't have any experience, either. ? I was all set to start volunteering when COVID happened! Crossing my fingers that my academic record / recommendations are good enough...
  24. I'm planning to apply! ? Need to work on my Statement of Purpose... has anyone started yet?
  25. CSUN ABSN Fall 2020

    Hi! Just checking - can I confirm that the only prerequisites are for science/stats? I'm probably going to apply for Spring 2021 admission - just want to make sure I'm understanding the website correctly. It looks as though the prereqs for English, ...