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About b33again

b33again specializes in pacu.

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  1. I am a new nurse and I work for agency at an LTACH and the nurses/ mgrs don't follow an established protocol in place for addressing a high Braden Scale rating. Other facilities have a benchmark for a rating that is at 18 or more. If it's 18 then th...
  2. Hi Jujubeee, I am a New Grad who landed in ambulatory surgery last year and work as PACU RN. I love your recruiter advice, and I am going to run with it! Here in SoCal the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) jobs are lucrative because Med/ Surg RNs get...
  3. Good things about Vibra?

  4. I am not getting any skills or mileage as a RN!! I have been working one day a week in outpatient setting, as post- op RN at an Ambulatory Surgery Center. They like me there but it's small, same type of surgery every week and not much going on. I hav...
  5. I'm getting terminated from my first nursing job

    It took a lot of courage to talk about how retarded she was... Everybody be nice and weigh in on how she can best do damage control. Don't be a meanie!
  6. Not Enough Clinical Experience

    Hi everyone, I had to laugh about all the bath comments. It looks like I could be more assertive in letting nurses know I would like to assist... and Elisheval is right, it's like we are amongst neurosurgeons, the way fellow students brag... My clini...
  7. Not Enough Clinical Experience

    I am so glad you responded-- it's great to know I am not alone. I am hearing that many hospitals will teach in the new grad programs, so we shouldn't worry.. haha but we do, we are overachievers! Thanks for posting and I will keep you informed... b33...
  8. Please a kind hearted nurse student-- Someone weigh in with your advice or experience that could help!! I am in an accelerated RN program and in my final quarter. I graduate at the end of the year and know I don't have enough clinical experience unde...