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About rdudley88

I am a very caring person with a fun personality. I am very goofy and love to make people laugh. I really love the compassionate side of nursing.

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  1. Any advice would be extremely helpful.

    No he is a recruiter so we are not on a base. I have been looking for a job basically. I got a temporary job at the AZ humane society, but now I am strictly job
  2. When does a new grad become and old grad???

    I completely understand!!! I am in the same boat. Very fustrating.....it almost makes me feel like why did we go to school
  3. Thank you in advance for all your help. I am a new grad nurse going on a year now like a lot of nurses I hear about in az, so I know this would probably help a lot of people too. I was wondering if...
  4. Can't find job! Any advice?

    I am in the same boat...it is extremely fustrating, but I guess all we can do is just stay positive and keep working hard
  5. Abrazo new-grad residency program

    I applied too, and I don't know whether to follow or not, because I always heard you were, but a lot of these hospitals say no....its so hard to find a job in az as a new