
dirtyhippiegirl BSN, RN

PDN; Burn; Phone triage

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All Content by dirtyhippiegirl

  1. Suspended Licence

    Is it from your positive ETG in Nov? In my state if you violate your consent agreement, they suspend your license, make you redo a drug/etoh eval and any suggested treatment, and then you restart your consent agreement from scratch. Is it the BON or ...
  2. Seriously?! Grrrr.

    I once had to test during an usually heavy period day. There was SO much blood and a few clots in my pee cup. The lady taking my pee had been doing this for like 30 years and it even made her gag. Achievement unlocked.
  3. Im in HPRP in Michigan. Can the BON still take away my license

    So you were addicted to drugs and apparently diverting but you're mad that they picked up on the wrong thing? Did I read this right? Reading this forum sometimes makes me feel like I am on Mars or something.
  4. Beyond Bedside? Advanced Practice? Really?

    There are a lot more non-bedside positions than management and advanced practice and teaching? Who is supposed to coordinate case management for medically complex patients or run infusion clinics or manage a hapless surgeon's schedule/clinic? I DO t...
  5. Overwhelmed & Recovery?

    Ick, that sounds rough. Keeping my fingers crossed that you can figure out a plan to help you through the next few months. Hopefully it'll get easier once you're back in the school-swing of things? My entry into monitoring wasn't voluntary -- and I i...
  6. Last minute TNCC. Frustrated. Venting.

    I actually work on a burn unit but put this here because it seems like the most relevant forum that actually gets the occasional traffic. I was told on Friday by my nurse educator that I would be taking TNCC this Monday. (She forgot to enroll me in t...
  7. So much for "step down year" in TPAPN!

    Our MD program here is 7 years (RN program is 3) and they usually get tested 3-5/x a week for the first couple of years. The compromise is that they don't have the same restrictions placed on their practice like nurses do although sometimes anesthesi...
  8. Doctors vs NP's?

    My husband's PCP (who is a MD) has done questionable things that drive me nuts but my husband likes the guy because his office is decorated in Star Trek stuff. Sigh.
  9. Thankful to be Working on Christmas

    Grateful to just be sober. Life isn't totally perfect but I am in a much better place than I was four years ago. I probably wouldn't even be alive if I'd continued down the path my drinking was leading me along.
  10. bipolar disorder

    That question is basically asking if you've ever had to be committed to a hospital against your will or been appointed a legal guardian to oversee the medical or financial aspects of your life because you're too incapacitated by mental illness to do ...
  11. RN with DUI in PA Questions

    The BON tends to have a cookie cutter approach to these things. I personally don't think it's necessary to get a lawyer unless she is being accused of something she didn't do or there are unusual circumstances to her case. Unfortunately, she got a DU...
  12. Newly Fired

    I guess the only issue might be that sometimes you're required to stop working and do whatever assessment and treatment the BON mandates before they give you the okay to go back to work. (Even though you're doing treatment on your own, some states wi...
  13. It feels good!

    I baked two batches of cookies, read several chapters in a book, did the laundry, and cleaned the bathroom last night. Compared to sitting on the couch, getting drunk and watching reruns on TV. :)
  14. Are you better off?

    I totally agree that it's a mixed bag, fwiw. That's why I talked about the good and the bad parts. Even the courts and independent review boards agree that these programs are overly punitive and overstep boundaries. Things need to change! But being m...
  15. Are you better off?

    Yes. I couldn't stop drinking on my own. I'd done a bit of therapy and gone to a few AA meetings but nothing was sticking -- I logically knew that I needed to stop drinking but couldn't emotionally pull through to actually stop. The last two or three...
  16. nursing

    Deep things like proper grammar.
  17. Abstaining from alcohol-reluctantly admitting it might be beneficial?

    Well, I was in my state's monitoring program for three years. My early sobriety was not voluntary. (I also didn't choose to be an alcoholic -- that's a restriction imposed on me by a bunch of genetic, environmental, and psychosocial factors that I h...
  18. Abstaining from alcohol-reluctantly admitting it might be beneficial?

    I don't drink because I am an alcoholic. But I still go out with friends, go to parties/sporting events/concerts/whatever, eat at pubs. I get thinking that you feel like you're going to feel left out -- but in my experience, that's *usually* not been...
  19. CURRENT info regarding the use of Suboxone while nursing?

    Why do you have to tell your treatment providers that you are a nurse? That would solve your first problem. As you have seen, bupe is not on a standard basic drug screen so it seems unlikely that will be an issue, but at least you will have a legit r...
  20. Help my wife got caught diverting

    MO doesn't have an alternative to discipline program. OP - I am in Kansas but I know a few people who got busted in MO and it took ~1 year for the BON to catch up to them.
  21. Longest you’ve gone without having to give pee?

    Some states test a lot more than others. I was in Kansas and I really was only tested 1 or 2 times a month, except for one episode where I had to test 4x in 1.5 weeks. I think I once went two months without testing once but then got hit with back to ...
  22. Life after monitoring

    I don't really think about it too much anymore beyond the occasional anus-puckering feeling that I've forgotten to check in or submit some useless piece of paperwork or other stupid hoop. I "graduated" in June and am still sober. I am incredibly grat...
  23. Diphenhydramine

    Or the fact that Benadryl is an incredibly common drug (like PPIs which are also apparently going to give me Alzheimer's) orrrr the fact that the study didn't seem to control for other risk factors among Benadryl users...
  24. WV restore/reported to BON

    But that's not backed up by statistics. 1/3 of addicts make it to a year of sobriety and it takes something like ten attempts before a year of sobriety is achieved. Addicts, in general, need options beyond meetings and psychotherapy but the mainstrea...
  25. WV restore/reported to BON

    Meh. Continuous sobriety seems to beget more sobriety -- one study covered 1200 addicts for eight years and relapse rate after 5 years of sobriety is under 15%. Plenty of addicts sober up for reasons outside of their own innate willingness. I'm not ...