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About Crazed

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  1. A (Long) Note to New Grads

    As a professional psych nurse sometimes we use colorful language to meet our patients where they are in order to form a relationship that allows them to trust. If a few four letter words is the difference between calm and agreeing to take a PO or re...
  2. combining PRNS

    We don't have those parameters, I just do it because I'm not a fan of piling meds. Controlled not unconscious is what I aim for.
  3. Describe a typical day

    Psych ED - there is no typical day. You can go from everyone is quiet to 2 in restraints and 2 in seclusion because they've been set off by the two in restraints quickly. The medical side of the ED feels anyone is okay to be there including patients ...
  4. combining PRNS

    We do a good deal of zyprexa/Ativan in medically stable patients. I like to lead with zyprexa and see if they calm down and then follow with Ativan.
  5. Did You Go Into Nursing For One Specialty?

    I went to school wanting to be a psych nurse. Then I graduated and landed an ED job. Then I decided that it wasn't for me and landed a psych ED job. Couldn't be happier now. The only constant about nursing is change.
  6. Caring for Obese Patients

    For the very obese it is also important to remember that there is also a psychological component involved. It is theorized that creating the physical barrier of obesity is a way to ensure others stay away for emotional protection. Now while this is n...
  7. How important is your 'look' as a nurse

    This made me think of a time when I met someone who is now my friend. She's a model (like seriously) and when I first met her I had this thought that she was one of "those" women. You know the type that had everything handed to her because she was be...
  8. Clinical drama-question about personal property

    People can learn a lot from drag queens. "What other people think of you is none of your business." RuPaul
  9. First nursing job

    It takes 18 months in any job to begin to feel competent.
  10. How important is your 'look' as a nurse

    Funny you should mention this - as a fatty and a nurse I always hard a hard time when someone who was very thin was telling me they "understood" how hard it was to lose weight. You should always trust fat people regarding diet because we've spent cou...
  11. ATI RN Comprehensive Predictor

    98 percent passed with 75 questions in under an hour.
  12. NCLEX it's come to this...

    I hope you're right. Last night I was snapping the necks of rats but they didn't die and instead ran sideways across the floor.
  13. Once you go into Psych nursing

    I've been told like elevendy billion times that while I am most certainly either a psych nurse or an ED nurse that if I begin my career in psych it will be difficult for me to do anything else. Is this a true statement in your opinion? Ultimately I...
  14. One of the best nursing instructors I had used her experience and teaching to learning into a game. She had a game she called "Name that Assessment" and would say things like, "A 20 year old, sexually active woman presents to the ED with complaints o...
  15. NCLEX it's come to this...

    For all of my time in nursing school I believed that I was somehow broken. You know those students who walk into tests with that annoying, "What will be will be," attitude? Yup that was me. When I failed a test I wasn't even upset. I just saw it as s...